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He looked himself, the old servant out of situation the old servant who would never be in situation again. "Been 'aving an 'ell of a time at Newmarket," said William; "favourites romping in one after the other." "I saw that the favourites had been winning. But I know of something, a rank outsider, for the Leger. I got the letter this morning. I thought I'd come round and tell yer."

She had not expected the question and was highly strung. Gerald saw her embarrassment and went on: "Of course, he's an outsider, from our point of view, but he's a good sort. In fact, he's much better than Alan. Besides, there's some ground for believing you are pretty good friends." "Stop!" Grace exclaimed. "This has nothing to do with you. It's unthinkable that you should meddle!"

Then carelessly: "By the by, I've taken the liberty of giving your name to my outsider, the filly. Nana, Nana that sounds well. You're not vexed?" "Vexed, why?" she said in a state of inward ecstasy. The conversation continued, and same mention was made of an execution shortly to take place.

Mount Dunstan admitted to himself that he liked the junior assistant of Jones immensely. A more ingenuously common young man, a more innocent outsider, it had never been his blessed privilege to enter into close converse with, but his very commonness was a healthy, normal thing.

If Santa Fe, as it is, were known to the big general public, 200,000 tourists a year would find delight within its purlieus; and while I like the places untrodden by travelers, still being an outsider, myself, I should like the outsiders to know the same delight Santa Fe has given me.

It is no wonder, then, that as soon as the news of Timothy's coming spread up and down and across the pond, the busy Beavers stopped their work and said things about the crusty outsider who had forced himself upon them. And almost everybody went to call upon Grandaddy Beaver and asked him what he thought ought to be done. Now, Grandaddy was a good old soul.

His mellifluous tones had somehow the effect of suggesting to Theron that he was an outsider and would better mind his own business. Ah, if this purring pussy-cat of a priest only knew how little of an outsider he really was! The thought gave him an easy self-control.

It was odd to regard life from this standpoint to look back upon the days and their incidents that were past, forward upon the days and incidents to come. Again it was possible for Frank to look upon these things as an outsider and a deliberate critic as he had done in the stuffy room of the lodging-house in the town.

Indeed, to assert that there has been any genuine development from the seed up to the finished tree is to use terms in an accommodated, metaphoric, and hypothetical way. Development there certainly has been as estimated by an outsider, an onlooker, but not as perceived by the tree itself. It has not known where it was going.

To an outsider his thought had appeared absolutely devilish, to the man himself it was as a buoy thrown to one drowning. The belief flooded his mind, swept him away, convinced him. Its nature presently appeared as he answered Thomasin. She was still thinking of the thousand pounds. Joan's your awn darter froward or not froward." "You'm wrong theer," he said. He was now cool and quiet.