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Olney's instructions. I have the honour to be, dear General, &c. Your's, &c. P. S. I have read my letter to the Governor and he agrees with the contents. He will immediately give orders about the Mills, and collect four hundred french arms he had in stocks.~ This is one of the letters referred to in Gen. Washington's letter of 20th July. Spark's Writ. of Wash. v, 7, p.128.

He went immediately to the hall. "Call Olney," he told a messenger. The head of the guard was soon before him. "Olney," said his chief, "will you accept the command of a picked company in an important but somewhat perilous movement?" Olney's tall form stiffened with pleasure. "I will with thanks!" "Well, then, pick out from all the forces, of whatever companies, sixty men.

That granting the wisdom and correctness of the President's position, the language of his message and of Mr. Olney's dispatch was indiscreet at best and unnecessarily offensive to British pride. It may be well to consider these objections in detail. In regard to the first point it may be said that neither President Cleveland nor Mr.

Cleveland declared: "The Monroe Doctrine finds its recognition in those principles of international law which are based upon the theory that every nation shall have its rights protected and its just claims enforced." Mr. Olney's analysis of the doctrine was clearer and more specific.

"Of course, a plain slip-knot would do the business all right," he said. "But I'll try and give you the genuine thing, same as you gave the other fellows." "Ward, for God's sake, let me go!" Ward started. He did not know that a man's voice could change so much in so short a time. He never would have recognized the tones as coming from Buck Olney's loose, complacent lips.

"I love beauty, and culture will give me a finer and keener appreciation of beauty." She nodded her head and looked triumph. "Rot, and you know it," was Olney's comment. "Martin's after career, not culture. It just happens that culture, in his case, is incidental to career. If he wanted to be a chemist, culture would be unnecessary.

"No, you ain't," returned 'Lena. "You laughed at me and granny both. I saw you do it, and you think I don't know anything, but I do. I've been through Olney's geography, and Colburn's arithmetic twice!" This was more than Anna could say.

The next morning we proceeded nine miles to Heading's to breakfast, and from thence seven miles to Mann's, where we fed our horses, and dined at Daggett's, nine miles further; that afternoon we arrived at Providence, and put up at our old friend Olney's.

In the fourth place while it was perfectly true that the occupation of the disputed territory by Great Britain could not in itself conceivably endanger the peace and integrity of the United States, yet as the open violation of a principle upon which we had laid so much stress we could not in honor and dignity have overlooked it. As to the tone of Mr. Olney's dispatch and of Mr.

Just take your atlas not the last one published, but Olney's, that's the one I studied and right in one of those little towns in Worcester County is Rice Corner snugly nestled among the gray rocks and blue hills of New England.