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Governor Odell and staff and invited guests reached St. Louis Monday morning, October third. At noon the Governor was tendered a serenade by the Philippine Constabulary band of 100 pieces. On Monday evening a dinner was given at the State building by the New York State Commission in honor of the Governor and Mrs. Odell, and President and Mrs. Francis.

Odell on several occasions gave me most valuable assistance with his signallers and orderlies. Salvage was left very much at this time to the discretion of the commanders of infantry units. Naturally when the soldier man got out of the line, he was not much inclined to do much salvaging on Army Account. Some of the transport officers made a specialty of it, and Capt.

Judge Hazel did not know me personally, but felt that the sentiment in his city, Buffalo, demanded my nomination, and that the then Republican Governor, Mr. Black, could not be reelected. Mr. Odell, who hardly knew me personally, felt the same way about Mr. Black's chances, and, as he had just taken the State Chairmanship, he was very anxious to win a victory. Mr.

But it was a downright shame for all de white folks to go off so. I never seed such people." "Never mind, Nancy, don't trouble yourself; I shall be well enough taken care of. I'll trust to you for that." And so Mr. Odell mounted his horse, and accompanied the old woman home. She lived rather over a mile from the meeting-house and the way was past the comfortable residence of Mr. Martin.

Professor G.R. CARPENTER. Three hours, second half-year. English Composition, Advanced Course. Essays, lectures and consultations. Dr. ODELL. Two hours. Elocution. Lectures and Exercises. Mr. PUTNAM. Two hours. The Art of English Versification. Argumentative Composition. Lectures, briefs, essays, and oral discussions. Mr. BRODT. Three hours. Seminar. Professor G.R. CARPENTER. 1 and 2.

The personal party of the Governor consisted of Governor Benjamin B. Odell, Jr., Mrs. Odell, Mrs. William Kelly, Mrs. S.L. Dawes, Mrs. Hall and Miss Odell.

I can perhaps best illustrate my theory of action by two specific examples. In New York Governor Odell and Senator Platt sometimes worked in agreement and sometimes were at swords' points, and both wished to be consulted. To a friendly Congressman, who was also their friend, I wrote as follows on July 22, 1903: "I want to work with Platt. I want to work with Odell.

If our Master had not even 'where to lay his head, it ill becomes us to murmur because every natural good is not spread out before us." In this state of mind, Odell went to his new circuit.

I just jumped up and down when poppy came, and she said, 'For goodness' sake! don't thrash out all my carpet with your jouncin' up an' down. You can just go yourself, Janey Odell, and see how you like it!" "I'm sure I don't want to go. But you just jumped at it!" "Well, I thought it would be nice. But oh, Hanneran, it's just splendid here!

He sang several times for the men, once in the open air, and his singing was certainly top hole. During this stay at Millencourt I paid a flying visit to Amiens with Lieut. A.E. Odell. We went there and back in a Divisional Signal car and stopped only a few hours, in fact for dinner.