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I shall telegraph to Dick Graham's father that I am coming, and trust to luck when I reach St. Louis. Perhaps he can make it convenient to meet me there; if not, I have a tongue in my head and a good horse to ride, and I have no fears but that I shall get through." "Well, I'll tell you what's a fact," said Lieutenant Odell. "You can go alone for all of me.

And though Aunt Becky Odell was a second cousin of her mother's, she was aunt to the little girl all the same. She had come up from West Farms to spend a few days and brought her two little girls. Some other relatives had come from Tarrytown. The little girl greeted everybody, took off her Sunday white frock that had a needleworked edge that her mother had worn twenty years and more ago.

The invitation to remain all night, which the farmer and his wife tendered in all sincerity, was not, of course, declined by the preacher. In the morning, after being served with a plentiful breakfast, Odell returned his warmest thanks for the kindness he had received, and proceeded on his journey.

"I don't believe it," said Captain Hubbard, bluntly. "He wouldn't have any right to do it." The boy's words raised a chorus of dissent all along the line, and Lieutenant Odell said, as soon as he could make himself heard: "You are way off the track, Rodney. What did we secede for if it wasn't to prove the doctrine of State Rights?

I want nothing for myself, for I am not a military man. Hubbard will come in for captain without opposition. It's the place he ought to have, for he has done more for us than anybody else, and Odell and Percy will be the lieutenants. Put those in the box when the time comes." Rodney took the ballots that were placed in his hand, and just then some one called out: "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!

I saw a lot of him both now and later on when we did many a strange hunt together for ammunition dumps in the most impossible of places. He was a tremendous walker and could get over really bad muddy ground at an amazing speed. I was destined also to see much of the Brigade Signaller, Lieut. A.E. Odell, who was quite a remarkable character.

Odell didn't like the children to handle her parlour books, in their red morocco bindings, that were spread around on the centre-table. Hanny's favourite place at the Fordham house was up on the high piazza. To be sure, it was sunny in the morning; but then Doctor Joe said sunshine was good for her, and one corner soon grew shady.

Odell was in an uncommon good-humour, and took them down the river quite a distance, to High Bridge, and then up again, when they espied the boys and baskets and the net, which had a long handle and looked to Hanny like a butterfly-net, only larger. A motley crew they were.

Well, the bill went through the Senate and the Assembly all right and the mayor signed it, but Odell backslided at the last minute and the whole game fell through. If it had succeeded, I guess I would have been accused of graftin'. What I want to know is, what do you call it when I got left and lost a pot of money? I not only lost money, but I was abused for votin' for the bill.

He regularly escaped from them and their questions to help the brick-necked Hank Odell, from the Bagby School, who had entered for the meet, but smashed up on the first day, and ever since had been whistling and working over his machine and encouraging Carl, "Good work, bud; you've got 'em all going."