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On the contrary, while he went out to try and find a reason for believing Nick guilty, in spite of his alibi, I mean only to ask a few questions that will clear up a little point that is a bit muddled." "Perhaps I could guess what that is," said Thad quickly.

He hurriedly left the room, almost running against the persons who were carrying Marillac to his room. The public prosecutor, whose ideas had been somewhat mixed before, was now completely muddled by this unheard-of attack upon his dignity, and fell back exhausted in his chair.

If you go about with that dismal face and strong disapproval, it will really seem as if it was the having your dominion muddled with that you dislike. Besides, it is putting yourself forward to censure what is not absolutely wrong in itself, and that cannot be desirable." "No," said Ethel, "but I cannot help being sorry for Cocksmoor.

Kaufman's eyes and muddled the gaze she turned toward Mr. Vetsburg. "Is it natural, Mr. Vetsburg, a mother should want her only child should have always the best and do always the things she never herself could afford to do? All my life, Mr. Vetsburg, I had always to work.

There was confusion in her as to the time of day, it seemed. But the children did not notice this. They were so accustomed to being rebuked by her that the actual words made small impression. She was just "saying things"; they were often very muddled things; the attitude, not the meaning, counted. And her attitude, they divined, was subtly different. "You know this is forbidden," she said.

Unable to form a clear picture of it, he began feeling his upper ribs through his waistcoat. "These ribs are like the keys of a piano," he said. "One must familiarise oneself with them somehow, if one is not to get muddled over them. One must study them in the skeleton and the living body . . . . I say, Anyuta, let me pick them out."

Things were happening too swiftly for them to be put into crisp sentences by a man whose thoughts were muddled by the fact that beside him waited a girl in a whipcord riding suit the same girl who had leaped from an automobile on the Denver highway and It crystallized things for him momentarily. "I 'm going to ask you something after a while something that I 've wondered and wondered about.

The Strollers looked uncomfortable. Nevertheless, it was Jimmy's affair. "Why, you'd get your dinner in any case," said Jimmy. "A dinner from any host would smell as sweet." Willett persisted with muddled obstinacy. "Thash thash not point. It's principle of thing. Have thish thing square and 'bove board, I say. Thash what I say."

By and by I fell sick; but I had to get out of the mountains, and I was pushing on for the straits when I struck the valley where the spruce is. After that, I got kind of muddled in the head, but I went down a long valley on an easy grade and struck some Siwash curing the last of the salmon. The trouble is, I was too sick to figure exactly where the small inlet they were camped by lies.

If we got married and muddled and messed things up, wouldn't it hurt me as much as you?" "Not according to what I've seen. Most men " "I'm not most men. I'm just me. You're you. We're different. Besides, we've seen and thought and argued it out to ourselves as well as together. Couldn't you risk it?" "You know what I want; complete freedom." "Well, you should have it. And you know what I want?"