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You want some moss-rosebuds for to-night, and you won't get them for nothing! You dine at the Austrian Embassy, and that Frenchman is to powder your hair. You 're to come home in time to receive, for the signora gives a dance. And so away, away till morning!" "Ah, yes, the moss-roses!" Christina murmured, caressingly. "I must have a quantity at least a hundred. Nothing but buds, eh?

Neither did he cast the severely critical glance upon Sarah's toilette that he had bestowed upon the soft, grey gown, and the cluster of white moss-rosebuds which poor Lady Mary had ventured to wear that morning. "How have you managed to offend Aunt Elizabeth, Peter?" cried Sarah, with her usual frankness. "She is in the worst of humours." "Sarah!" said her mother, reprovingly.

The marigolds and the sunflowers had given her their ripe, rich gold to tint her hair; the lupins and irises had lent their azure to her eyes; the moss-rosebuds had made her pretty mouth; the arum lilies had uncurled their softness for her skin; and the lime-blossoms had given her their frank, fresh, innocent fragrance.

She went quickly through three rooms, seeing no one and at the end of the third there were folding doors. "It is I Bébée." she said softly, as she pushed them gently apart; and she held out the two moss-rosebuds. Then the words died on her lips, and a great horror froze her, still and silent, there. She saw the dusky room as in a dream.

You must give me time!" Assunta cried. "Yes, we'll go!" And she left her place. She walked slowly to the door of the church, looking at the pavement, and Rowland could not guess whether she was thinking of her apron of moss-rosebuds or of her opportunity for moral sublimity.

Such an one is dedicated, birth upwards, to the Mater Dolorosa. He had something nearer akin to affection for her than he had ever had in his life for anything, but he was never in love with her no more in love with her than with the moss-rosebuds that she fastened in his breast.