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Updated: November 9, 2024

The Spanish ship which had been in company with the craft that caught fire had vanished, and only a few timbers and fragments were floating on the surface; she had evidently been sunk by the terrible fire of the English guns. The ship on which they now were, the Maria Dolorosa, was by this time a spouting fountain of flame, from her bows as far aft as her mainmast.

The features are properly those of a woman in middle age; but in later times the sentiment of beauty predominated over that of the mother's agony; and I have seen the sublime Mater Dolorosa transformed into a merely beautiful and youthful maiden, with such an air of sentimental grief as might serve for the loss of a sparrow.

But even out of this confusion we shall find the whole Pantheon organized about two central shrines, those of the Mater Dolorosa and the Dominus Salvator, which are represented also in Christendom, though detached from natural symbols, in the connection of Christianity with the worship of the Virgin.

Syrens hold candelabra at the angles; and the centre has an air of singular lightness and grace. It is supported at the base by huge snails. To him were his fellow-townsmen indebted for the grand gate of the Frauenkirche, the series of sculptures on theVia Dolorosa,” numerous others in the churches and public buildings, but principally for theSacramentshauslein,” in the Church of St.

If the hymn, "Stabat Mater dolorosa," was written in Latin, this could be only that it might in time find its true language and incomparable phrase at last that it might await the day of life in its proper German.

What had happened to Roger is already known to the reader, and what befell Harry after the explosion on board the Maria Dolorosa may be very shortly recounted. The shock of his plunge into the cold water brought him to his senses in time to prevent him from drowning, and his first thought was to look after Roger; but his friend was nowhere to be seen.

"My Boy!" she cried her voice thrilled through the castle "Madonna Dolorosa My Child!" and with the fleetness of a deer she turned and sped with flying feet, down the corridor to the chamber of the little Prince. So lithe so brave so beautiful so tortured so resolute she was a thing to curb and hold!

Dirczione delle poste di Cosenza, si e ottenuta una cassetta postale, che affissa lungo il Corso Carlo Pancaso, ci da la bella commodita di imbucare le nostre corrispondenze per essere rilevate tre volte al giorno non solo, quanto ci evita persino la dolorosa e lunga via crucis che dovevamo percorrere qualvolta si era costretti d' imbuccare una lettera, essendo il nostro uffizio situato ali' estremita del paese.

'He has got an English general for the principal officer of his household, said Barizy, 'which looks like blood royal; a very fine man, who passes the whole day at the English consulate. 'They have taken a house in the Via Dolorosa, said Pasqualigo.

Barbara had told herself the same thing in many lonely hours, and most frequently in the brick church at Abbach, opposite to the image of the Mater dolorosa. She whose intercession never remained unheard had yielded up, with an aching heart, her divine son, and she must imitate her.

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