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Peerlessly beautiful, she was dressed in a white moire antique robe trimmed with tulle. That simple rosebud, with which most heroines exclusively decorate their hair, was all she wore in her raven locks. The Judge was the first to break the silence. "Genevra, the logs which compose yonder fire seem to have been incautiously chosen.

Peerlessly beautiful, she was dressed in a white moire antique robe trimmed with tulle. That simple rosebud with which most heroines exclusively decorate their hair, was all she wore in her raven locks. The Judge was the first to break the silence. "Genevra, the logs which compose yonder fire seem to have been incautiously chosen.

Under these circumstances he had succeeded in procuring unique books, adopting obsolete formats which he had bound by Lortic, by Trautz-Bauzonnet or Chambolle, by the successors of Cape, in irreproachable covers of old silk, stamped cow hide, Cape goat skin, in full bindings with compartments and in mosaic designs, protected by tabby or moire watered silk, ecclesiastically ornamented with clasps and corners, and sometimes even enamelled by Gruel Engelmann with silver oxide and clear enamels.

Her gown was of black moire, with wide swelling petticoat, long waist, and sleeve slashed with rose-colored satin, fastened together with jet bugles. A very stiff, Spanish ruff reached almost to her chin, and was secured round her neck by a broad rose-colored ribbon.

Once within reach of their victims, these lovely skirmishers would be seen to inflict on them a sudden wound, leaving them to be despatched by the heavy reserve in moire and lace.

Nikolay Timofeitch turns in that direction, smirks and shouts: "Yes, we have! Ribbon with a metal stripe, ottoman with a satin stripe, and satin with a moiré stripe!" "Oh, by the way, I mustn't forget, Olga asked me to get her a pair of stays!" says Polinka. "There are tears in your eyes," says Nikolay Timofeitch in dismay. "What's that for?

"I like Scraggy better nor I thought I would." "You like what?" "This big jail of a house Scraggy something or other they call it." "Castle Cragg." "Yes, that's it; plague take the outlandish names, I say!" "Now, Katie, unpack my maize-colored moire antique. I must dress for dinner."

And this woman he had recognised: it was Madame Volmar. There was no mistaking her long face with its delicate drawn features, its magnificent large eyes, those brasiers over which a veil, a dimming moire, seemed to pass at times. She gave a start of terror on perceiving him. And he, extremely ill at ease, grieved that he should have frightened her, made all haste to withdraw into his apartment.

"Upon my word, here's a state of things!" cried the old lady, taking the seat of honor prepared for her, and settling the folds of her lavender moire with a great rustle. "You oughtn't to be seen till the last minute, child." "I'm not a show, Aunty, and no one is coming to stare at me, to criticize my dress, or count the cost of my luncheon.

"Them black moiré pumps and them French stockings are brand new, too hundred-gauge silk them stockings are, and never on her feet " "Ready for me?" Carraway had appeared in the doorway, with camera and tripod. "Yes, Carraway.... Just the dress, Penny.... I want full-length front, back and side views of Miss Crain wearing this dress, Carraway.... Flashlights, of course.