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I don't suppose, however, the interest on fifty dollars would have broken down Moale." "There is no telling. It is the last pound, you know, that breaks the camel's back. Five years have passed since his day of misfortune. Fifteen dollars for interest are therefore due. I have my doubts if he could have paid you sixty-five dollars now. Indeed, I am sure he could not.

Just then a man brought in a letter, and, handing it to the tailor, withdrew. On breaking the seal, Mr. Moale found that it contained fifty dollars, and read as follows: "SIR Upon reflection, I feel that I ought not to receive from you the money that was due to me when you became unfortunate some years ago.

The merchant's sleep was sweeter that night than it had been for some time, and so was the sleep of the poor debtor. The next day Mr. Moale called to see Mr. Petron, to whom, at the instance of the latter, he gave a full detail of his actual circumstances. The merchant was touched by his story, and prompted by true benevolence to aid him in his struggles.

"THERE is one honest man in the world, I am happy to say," remarked a rich merchant, named Petron, to a friend who happened to call in upon him. "Is there, indeed! I am glad to find you have made a discovery of the fact. Who is the individual entitled to the honourable distinction?" "You know Moale, the tailor?" "Yes. Poor fellow! he's been under the weather for a long time." "I know.

Moale, as his wife came and stood by the board upon which he sat at work, holding her babe in her arms, "I have paid off another debt, thank heaven?" "Whose?" "Petron's. He believed me a rogue and treated me as such. I hope he thinks differently now." "I wish all men were as honest in their intentions as you are." "So do I, Alice. The world would be a much better one than it is, I am thinking."

Moale is almost as much fun as going to the theatre. You must have heard of her father he is the Mr. Wing who owns all the railroads and other things, and they have a house in Newport and another in New York, and a country place and a yacht. "I like Sarah Wycliffe very much. She was brought up abroad, and we lead the French class together.