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Having reached the house with the appetite of a twenty-four miles' ride, I found no preparation for dinner, and not so much as a boiled potato to eat, and the sole reply to my famished and disconsolate exclamations was 'Being that you order none, missis, I not know. I had forgotten to order my dinner, and my slaves, unauthorised, had not ventured to prepare any.

Your missis there might like her floors dirted wi' whittaws for what I know. There's no knowing what people WONNA like such ways as I've heard of! I never had a gell come into my house as seemed to know what cleaning was; I think people live like pigs, for my part.

Smithers stepped on to the wharf and, taking 'old of my missis by the arm, led her away whispering. At the same moment the skipper walked across the deck and whispered to me. "Wot d'ye mean by it?" he ses. "Wot d'ye mean by 'aving letters from Dorothy and not telling me about it?" "I can't help 'aving letters any more than you can," I ses.

They 's 'spectable folks enough in a kinder plain way; but, as to gettin' up anything in style, they don't begin to have a notion on 't. Set Mas'r Lincon, now, alongside Mas'r Shelby! Good Lor! and Missis Lincon, can she kinder sweep it into a room like my missis, so kinder splendid, yer know!

The master could not do much; he had long, long hours in his business; but I used to watch Ursula, morning after morning, superintending her domain, with her faithful attendant Jem Jem adored his "missis."

That mother had sold eleven children of an old slave-mother, her servant. That servant went to her and said, "Missis, we even now. You sold all my children. God took all yourn. Not one to bury either of us. Now, I forgive you." In another battle fell the only son of another widow.

The mulatto introduced him "Missis, fine young gentleman, all over gold and velvet " then muttered to herself as she shut the door, "fine young gentleman, he! apprentice to him who makes the tick-tick."

Ain't he grooved handsome. He's al'ays about Beltharp now. It ain't to fire no more ricks. He's afire 'unself. Ain't you seen 'em together? He's after the missis" Adrian requested Miss Davenport to be respectful, and confine herself to particulars. This buxom lass then told him that her young missis and Adrian's young gentleman were a pretty couple, and met one another every night.

My missis 'ad words about it, o' course that's wot people get married for but when she found it woke me up three times she quieted down and said wot a nice coat it 'ad got. The three of 'em came round next evening to see it, and they was so afraid of its being lost that when they stood me a pint at the Bull's Head we 'ad to take it with us.

"I don't care if I've another," said I. "We'll have two more, Missis," said the friends, "and confound you, Constable, you'll give your man a drop, won't you?" I was agreeable to that, so we had it all round, and then my man and I took Tally-ho Thompson safe to the railroad, and I carried him to London that night.