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I intend no breach of courtesy, but this is a proper place to warn the student against skimming the prefaces and introductions of works for mottoes and embellishments to his thesis. He cannot learn anatomy by thrusting an exploring needle into the body. He will be very liable to misquote his author's meaning while he is picking off his outside sentences.

I never saw such white sand before. One had to misquote: "Come unto these SILVER sands." I made some careful drawings of the sand-tracks of the bay; noting down tracks being a habit with the scout. In these things Hawk was always interested, and often a great help; for, in spite of his fifty years and his buccaneerish-habits, he was at heart a boy a boy-scout, in fact, and a fine tracker.

Borrow's comment upon this notice was that "It is easier to call names and misquote passages in a dirty Review than to write The Bible in Spain." A second edition of The Bible in Spain was issued in January, to which the author contributed a preface, "very funny, but wild," he assured John Murray, Junr., and he promised "yet another preface for the third edition, should one be called for."

Now, though I consider the title admirable, I believe it is not Mr. Darwin's but the Publisher's, as you are no doubt aware that publishers will have a taking title, and authors must and do give way to them. Mr. D. gave me a different title before the book came out. Again, you misquote and misunderstand Huxley, who is a complete convert. Prof. Asa Gray and Dr.

Do you believe an infinite God gave a recipe for hair-oil? Is it possible for absurdity to go beyond that? That's what they call a holy thing. And water for baptism! Do you believe God will look for this water-mark on the soul? The next charge is that I misquote the scriptures. That's because I don't know Hebrew. Why didn't He write to me in English?

It was not Swift's own copy, but a copy containing a transcript of Swift's notes that was burnt. In the preparation of the present text every available reference has been searched. Not only did he misquote the references to Burnet's work, but he could not have consulted the Lansdowne copy, since fully a third of the "notes" were altogether ignored by him.

The chances are ten to one that the conversation is mainly manufactured in the brain of the narrator, and that the quotation is either not written by the author to whom it is attributed, or else is a travesty of his real language. It is Lord Byron who tells of that numerous class of sciolists whom one finds everywhere "With just enough of learning to misquote."

Let me repeat that, to the best of my powers of understanding and of expression, and in my own words, so as to misquote nobody, I have now summarised the views of the Baconians sans phrase, and of the more cautious or more credulous "Anti-Willians," as I may style the party who deny to Will the actor any share in the authorship of the plays, but do not overtly assign it to Francis Bacon.

Take hackneyed jokes from Miller, got by rote, With just enough of learning to misquote; A mind well skill'd to find or forge a fault, A turn for punning call it Attic salt: Fear not to lie, 'twill seem a lucky hit, Shrink not from blasphemy, 'twill pass for wit, Care not for feeling, pass your proper jest, And stand a critic! hated, yet caress'd. The survey was continued.

"The Colonna!" said Cola, with a bitter smile; "the Colonna the pedants! They affect, dull souls, the knowledge of the past, play the patron, and misquote Latin over their cups! They are pleased to welcome me at their board, because the Roman doctors call me learned, and because Nature gave me a wild wit, which to them is pleasanter than the stale jests of a hired buffoon.