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I will give so bald an epitome of this sickly love-tale that it shall appeal to all who read my commentary the veriest trash that ever poet penned! ... Moreover, I can most admirably misquote thee, and distort thy meanings with such excellent bitter jesting, that thou thyself shall scarcely recognize thine own production!

The republican, finding himself attacked upon what he thought his strong side, summoned all his learning to his aid; and, describing the famous siege of Plateae, happened to misquote a passage of Thucydides, in which he was corrected by the other, who, having been educated for the church, was also a connoisseur in the Greek language.

Still, I think there may be a few that will rather like this vein, possibly prefer it to a livelier one, serious young men, and young women generally, in life's roseate parenthesis from years of age to inclusive. Another privilege of talking is to misquote. Of course it wasn't Proserpina that actually cut the yellow hair, but Iris. So the bathycolpian Here Juno, in Latin sent down Iris instead.

A solid scholar there was, who, had he been called to his account at a certain advanced period of his career, might have challenged all the world to say that he had ever used a false quantity, or committed an anomaly in syntax, or misspelt a foreign name, or blundered in a quotation from a Greek or Latin classic to misquote an English author is a far lighter crime, but even to this he could have pleaded not guilty.

"Mental reservation" may be good for the Jesuits and papists , who misquote the conduct of Jacob to Esau, but it is neither fit for a Christian, or a patriot, or, at any rate, for an honest man, who was, is, and ever will be, "The noblest work of God." Spent the evening with Haj Ibrahim. A Ghadamsee came in who attempted to frighten me from going to Soudan.

"He prayeth best who loveth best All things, both great and small For the dear Lord who fashioned him He knows and loveth all." I fear I may misquote, for I have not "The Ancient Mariner" at my elbow, but even as it stands does it not elevate the horse-trough? We all do this, I suppose, in a small way for ourselves.