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She smiled again, mirthfully, but with conviction, with conclusiveness, as who should say, "I have proved my point." "Ah," pronounced Anthony, with stress, though perhaps a trifle ambiguously, "if it were you, it would be different." "In your cousin's case, to be sure," pursued Susanna, "there is one other means.

"That is enough of the soup," commented Arletta mirthfully, "now try the roast; now the entree; and here, perhaps, a little dessert will not hurt you; there, that is plenty; a little is strengthening but too much is poisonous.

A lovely creature, dark, with deep, dreamy, vague blue-grey eyes and a face! Ah, what pen could describe that face, so mobile, piquante, and filled with light and inexpressible charm. She had caught Jones' eye, she was gazing at him curiously, half mirthfully, half wrathfully, it seemed to him, and now to his amazement she made a little movement of the head, as if to say, "come here."

Later I learned that he had lost heavily. Then I saw him in the distance paying out money and giving bills to the bookmakers. It made me very angry. I don't think I was quite sane. Most women are like that at times." "As I said," remarked the Young Doctor, his face mirthfully alive. Here was a situation indeed. "So I wrote him that letter," Mona went on.

Saying this they went away, and Heracles, laughing as he thought upon the great exploits of the frogs and mice, went on to Omphale's house. Omphale, the widow, received him mirthfully, and then set him to do tasks in the kitchen while she sat and talked to him about Troy and the affairs of King Laomedon.

"You are misinformed, my friend," said the voice from the other table. "That Indian cannon business was merely an administrative experiment." I looked at the speaker, who was smiling mirthfully to himself. He was a fair-complexioned man of about forty-five, rather carefully dressed, blue-eyed, with a short, well-groomed beard evidently an old acquaintance of the company.

There are plenty of houses and buildings in the monastery where even an ordinary man will find hospitality, and royalty is still more welcome, especially the wife of that prince from whose ancestors and relatives, the abbey had experienced so many benefits. But the princess answered mirthfully: "We came here only to stretch our limbs; in the morning we must be in Krakow.

The person who shows it is an elderly man of jolly aspect and demeanor; he is enthusiastic about the edifice, and makes it the thought and object of his life; and being such a merry sort of man, always saying something mirthfully, and yet, in all his thoughts, words, and actions, having reference to this solemn cathedral, he has the effect of one of the corbels or gargoyles, those ludicrous, strange sculptures which the Gothic architects appended to their arches.

No doubt Kenelm held his own at the banquet, and did his best to increase the general gayety, for whenever he spoke the children listened eagerly, and when he had done they laughed mirthfully. "The fair face I promised you," whispered Mrs. Braefield, "is not here yet. I have a little note from the young lady to say that Mrs.

Errington clapped one hand on his shoulder. "Well! What if you had?" he asked almost mirthfully, though there was a suspicious tremble in his ringing voice. "I should have said with Horatio, 'I am more an antique Roman than a Dane, and gone after you," laughed Lorimer. "And who knows what a jolly banquet we might not have been enjoying in the next world by this time?