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At hoc, Chrysippe, minime vis, maximeque tibi de hoc ipso cum Diodoro certamen est. Ille enim id solum fieri posse dicit, quod aut sit verum, aut futurum sit verum; et quicquid futurum sit, id dicit fieri necesse esse; et quicquid non sit futurum, id negat fieri posse.

It is said to have come from the eastward originally, and very probably may have been derived in the first instance from Europeans, and the infection passed along from one tribe to another: it has not been experienced now for many years. An hic morbus indigenis, priusquam illis immiscebuntur Europaei erat notus, sciri nunc minime potest.

See a like elliptical use of idem Sec. 23: eadem temperantia; Sec. 10: iisdem nemoribus. Also of totidem Sec. 26. Minime assueverunt. "Least of all, are they capable of sustaining thirst and heat; cold and hunger, they are accustomed, by their soil and climate, to endure." Ky.

Palmos Galeni. In tremoribus vulgaribus, æqualibus temporum intervallis, non musculus, sed artus ipsemet alternatim attollitur aut deprimitur, aut in oppositas partes it atque redit per minima tamen spatiola; in palpitatione verò sine ullo ordine musculi unius lacertus subito subsilit, nec regulariter continuoque movetur, sed nunc semel aut bis, nunc minimé intra idem tempus subsilit; an causa irritans in sensorio communi, an in musculo ipse palpitante Quærenda sit, ignoramus.

Herein I shall answer for my self with the Comoedian, Placere studeo bonis quam plurimis, et minimé multos lædere: I endeavor to give content to the most I can of those that are well disposed, and no scandal to any. I grant, I find him blamed and condemned: I do no less my self.

But what would be the surprise, and at the same time the gratification, of the mighty spirit of Burke, at finding his splendid lamentation so happily disproved! at seeing that chivalrous spirit, the total extinction of which he deplored, revive, qua minime veris, on the very benches of the economists and calculators themselves! But in truth, Sir, it revives at a most inconvenient opportunity.

Minime gentium! meus nasus nunquam tangetur, dum spiritus hos reget artus Ad quid agendum? air uxor burgomagistri. Peregrinus illi non respondit. Votum faciebat tunc temporis sancto Nicolao; quo facto, sinum dextrum inserens, e qua negligenter pependit acinaces, lento gradu processit per plateam Argentorati latam quae ad diversorium templo ex adversum ducit.

It is said to have come from the eastward originally, and very probably may have been derived in the first instance from Europeans, and the infection passed along from one tribe to another: it has not been experienced now for many years. An hic morbus indigenis, priusquam illis immiscebuntur Europaei erat notus, sciri nunc minime potest.

His bold criticism, which approaches the precipice of infidelity, produced on my mind a singular effect; and had I persevered in the communion of Rome, I should now apply to my own fortune the prediction of the Sibyl, Via prima salutis, Quod minime reris, Graia, pandetur ab urbe. The elegance of style and freedom of argument were repelled by a shield of prejudice.

Let goodly place be given to Minime and Pojarski, who drove forth barbarian invaders, goodly place also to Platov and Kutusov, who drove forth civilized invaders. Let there be high-placed niches for Ivan the Great, who developed order, for Peter the Great, who developed physical strength, for Derjavine and Karamsin, who developed moral and mental strength.