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Updated: August 11, 2024

It had been many months since she was there before, and he cordially held out his hand to the girl. 'Mr. Wentworth, she began at once, 'have you any of the money the mica mine has brought you? 'Yes. I invested the first year's proceeds, but, since I got the last amount, things have been so shaky in the City that it is still at the bank.

I gathered pieces of marble from among them which seemed heavy with a water they had concealed within themselves. The mica of the granite held my curiosity in a way which nothing could satisfy. I felt that there was something that no one could tell me the life of the stones. At the same age I was scolded because I carried away the artificial beetles from a hat of my mother.

Graphite and mica are both good chain lubricants, but if mixed with a pure mineral base, such as vaseline, they will wash off in mud and water. Before putting on a chain, it is a good thing to dip it in melted tallow and then grease it thoroughly from time to time with a graphite compound of vaseline and animal fat.

On the sides of the hills were broken rocks containing mica, hornblende, and crystals of quartz. The grass on these hills had all been newly burned. October 29. Sunday; prayers at eleven o'clock. We this day shot three small wallabies, which were a great treat to us. October 30.

"The crystals of felspar and quartz as they subsided, together with a small proportion of mica, would naturally arrange themselves so as to have their longest dimensions more or less parallel to the surface on which they rest; and this parallelism would be subsequently increased, as we shall see hereafter, by the pressure of these beds sustained between the weight of the supported column of matter and the expansive force beneath them.

If you don't, and the doubtful particle is coarse enough, take a needle and stick the point into the questionable specimen. If gold the steel point will readily prick it; if pyrites or yellow mica the point will glance off or only scratch it.

Then a piece of mica, or a little pool, or even a highly-polished leaf will flash like a heliograph. But that day was cloudless and still. "I knew men would follow," said Akela triumphantly. "Not for nothing have I led the Pack." The four cubs said nothing, but ran down hill on their bellies, melting into the thorn and under-brush as a mole melts into a lawn. "Where go ye, and without word?"

'Imagine a person buying a mine at an exorbitant price, and not knowing what it produces. Yes, that is the mineral. 'This is not mica, of course? 'No, it is not mica. That is the stuff used for the making of china. 'It looks as if it would take a good polish. Will it, do you know? 'I do not know. I could easily find out for you.

It's just the same stuff as some mates of mine once got out of a gravel pit at home, and they took it to the watchmaker in the town, and they says to him, `What's that gold worth? they says. `Which gold? he says. `Why, that, they says. `That's no more gold than you are, he says; `that's mica. And then he told them that they might allers tell gold in a moment, by pulling out a knife and trying to cut it, when if it was gold it would cut easy like, just the same as a piece of lead.

There is in that locality a blue limestone foliated by the intercalation of small plates of white mica, so that the rock is often scarcely distinguishable in aspect from gneiss or mica-schist.

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