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Then he will take out a little Vade Mecum, which is never absent from his waistband, and unroll it. It is many-coloured and contains little pockets, one for fragments of the spicy areca, one for the small tin box which contains fresh lime, one for cloves, one for cardamoms, and so on.

This work of Grotius has been equally esteemed by dispassionate Protestants and Roman Catholics. "Few pieces, says Colomiers, have succeeded better than the treatise On the Truth of the Christian Religion. It is an excellent book, and ought to be the Vade mecum of every Christian. I have read it several times, and always with new pleasure."

It subsequently rose to eightpence; and in the time of George I. the "Vade Mecum for Malt Worms " speaks of the landlord of The Bell, in Carter Lane, raising his tariff to tenpence. In comparison with the cost of a similar meal at present, all these quotations strike one as high, when the different value of money is considered. But in 1720, at all events, the customer ate at his own discretion.

"My lord and I have read the Reddas incolumem precor, and applied it, I am sure, to you. You come back with Gaditanian laurels; when I heard you were bound thither, I wished, I am sure, I was another Septimius. My Lord Viscount, your lordship remembers Septimi, Gades aditure mecum?" "There's an angle of earth that I love better than Gades, Tusher," says Mr. Esmond.

My friend was by this time quite of the same opinion himself; and he thereupon quitted the profession, with no more medical knowledge than the art of mixing suitable portions of salts and senna for children, and the preparation of cough-drops, by compounding the syrup of squills with paregoric and balsam of honey in equal proportions which mixture, by the way, is the best prescription to be found in the Vade Mecum of any physician in Christendom from Sir Astley Cooper down to Hahnnemann, of all medical humbugs the chief.

A collection of them would make an amusing Vade mecum.

And nothing is more necessary than to seem to have this last-mentioned quality. Every one sees what you seem, few perceive what you are." Surely this hand-book of cant had been Philip's 'vade mecum' through his life's pilgrimage. It is at least a consolation to reflect that a career controlled by such principles came to an ignominious close.

Paul's Cathedral employed. For the furtherance of this important item of diocesan and divine service, "Hymns, Ancient and Modern," be it well known, has stood the crucial test of a number of years; while its mechanical characteristics have been demonstrated all the way along the metronome number of decades it has served to mollify and assuage the griefs and passions, and inspire the consciences of congregations using it habitually as a vade mecum.

In other words, conscience in this its simplest form, must be supposed in order to consciousness, that is, to human consciousness. Brutes may be and are scions, but those beings only who have an I, scire possunt hoc vel illud una cum seipsis; that is, conscire vel scire aliquid mecum, or to know a thing in relation to myself, and in the act of knowing myself as acted upon by that something.

'Primus ego in patriam mecum... deducam Musas'; 'for I shall be the first, if I live, to bring the Muse into my country. Cleric had explained to us that 'patria' here meant, not a nation or even a province, but the little rural neighbourhood on the Mincio where the poet was born. Cleric said he thought Virgil, when he was dying at Brindisi, must have remembered that passage.