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Updated: August 15, 2024

Awed at all events at first I would sit and listen while by the hour he would talk to me in corners, telling me of the women he had loved. They formed a somewhat large collection. Julias, Marias, Janets, even Janes he had madly worshipped, deliriously adored so many it grew bewildering.

I was now for returning southwards, to try our fortunes in the bay of Panama, but the majority opposed me through fear, insisting to go to the Tres Marias, to salt turtle at these islands, and then to stretch over for India.

His death occurred just as all the churches were ringing for the Ave Marias, on the second of December, 1601, the day of the glorious departure of the blessed father Francisco Xavier, whose true follower he ever was.

If I believed it did, I would fight against it. For instance, here is a devout Catholic servant-girl. She believes in her saints. She counts her beads and recites her Ave Marias. She goes to the cathedral on Sunday morning. And this is her world of poetry and romance. Here is a source of comfort.

Annexed to it is the Casa del Rey, built in 1832, and serving for offices of the military commandancy. The infantry barracks Cuartel del Infanteria is also a building of modern construction, dating from 1848; and, though of simple architecture, it is very capacious. And now let us leave Mayaguez for a little while, and get on with the war. The Engagement at Las Marias

I cannot patter Ave Marias with a Catholic, nor sing interminable psalms like a Huguenot, but neither can I endure the ways the Catholics are taking to compel the Huguenots to submission. I take my own way, d'ye see, and am fettered by nobody. No one would molest La Croissette the needle-seller, not even a dragoon.

"You ladies understand so well these matters of heaven, purgatory, and hell, while I confess that I'm ignorant. Often I find in the novenas and other books this direction: three paternosters, three Ave Marias, and three Gloria Patris " "Yes, well?"

They danced and wrestled on the naked roof, yelling with their hoarse unhuman voices, singing awful chants. The Devil passed within, and found the good old priest on his knees, a crucifix clasped to his breast, his white face upturned, shouting ave marias and pater nosters at the top of his aged voice as if fearful they would not ascend above the saturnalia on the roof.

The cane of a deceased philosopher is in close contact with the golden-hilted sword of a petit maître de l'ancien régime, and the sparkling tabatière of a Marquis Musqué, the partaker if not the cause of half his succès dans le monde, is placed by the chapelet of a religieuse de haute naissance, who often perhaps dropped a tear on the beads as she counted them in saying her Ave Marias, when some unbidden thought of the world she had resigned usurped the place of her aspirations for a brighter and more enduring world.

Before she had been a month in the convent, she knew almost as much as Nanette, had learnt why people go to church and what they do there, had studied her catechism, could find her places in her prayer-book, could repeat Ave Marias and Paternosters, and tell her beads like every one else. And so Madelon's questions are answered at last, her perplexities solved, her yearnings satisfied!

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