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Bines to taste the soup, he was soon eating as those present had of late rarely seen him eat. "'Tain't a natural appetite, though," he warned them. "It's a kind of a mania before I go all to pieces, I s'pose." "Nonsense! We'll have you all right in a week," said Percival. "Just remember that I'm going to take care of you." "My son can do anything he makes up his mind to," declared Mrs.

Even ladies catch the climbing mania, and are unable to throw it off. A famous climber, of that sex, had attempted the Weisshorn a few days before our arrival, and she and her guides had lost their way in a snow-storm high up among the peaks and glaciers and been forced to wander around a good while before they could find a way down.

There is not a person who has not met one of these worthy fellows, destined to make good officers, perfect merchants, and very satisfactory lawyers, but who, unfortunately, have been seized with a mania for notoriety. Ordinarily they think of it on account of somebody else's talent.

His quickness and courage saved the John, nevertheless; and I have always said it, and ever shall. A day after the affair of the proas, all hands of us began to brag. Even the captain was a little seized with this mania; and as for Marble, he was taken so badly, that, had I not known he behaved well in the emergency, I certainly should have set him down as a Bobadil.

Nevertheless, one may well admit that his Holiness is somewhat fond of money for its own sake, for the pleasure of handling it and setting it in order when he happens to be alone and after all that is a very excusable mania in an old man who has no other pastime.

Poirot shook his head energetically. "No, no, you are on a wrong tack there. There is nothing weak-minded or degenerate about Miss Howard. She is an excellent specimen of well-balanced English beef and brawn. She is sanity itself." "Yet her hatred of Inglethorp seems almost a mania. My idea was a very ridiculous one, no doubt that she had intended to poison him and that, in some way, Mrs.

"A mania for church-extending"; "a hankering for architectural splendor"; "or for discursive and satirical preaching"; "or for something florid or profound": these and the like imputations have been put forward, as a screen, by many an unsuccessful preacher, who failed, simply failed, not in selling horns or hides, shirtings or sugars, but failed to recommend Christ and his gospel, failed for want of head, or heart, or industry, or all three.

There the Biblical story finds its proof, and the daughters of Eve revert to their mother. This is the secret of that mania for the personal which characterizes women's conversation.

At that time Nero developed his foolish vanity of actor, his caprice for the theatre, which soon was to become an all-absorbing mania.

Tollman lifted one of her arms, from which the drapery fell back, and laid it across the shoulder of the man at her side, and about him the world rocked in the quake of mania. He stood off and contemplated them from a greater distance and having, in his madman's saturnalia, burned out even the augmented forces of his fever, a feeling of weakness overcame him.