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"Stop," he called down. Just ahead, about sixty feet, lay the seaward side of the battleship "Luzon's" great gray hull. With his hand on the electric speed control Captain Jack moved the submarine in until she lay alongside the big battleship. With the greatest stealth the manhole cover was raised by Hal and Eph.

The other thing's to stop and fight!" "I fight," said Santos, stalking to the door. "Have you no more ammunition for me, friend Cole? Then I must live you alive; adios, senhor!" Harris cast a wistful look towards the manhole, not in cowardice, I fancy, but in sudden longing for the sea, the longing of a poor devil of a sailor-man doomed to die ashore.

"Let go of me let go, quick " He lay down and closed his eyes. The others looked at each other by the dim light of the little candle. "What on earth!" said Peter. "Look here," said Bobbie, quickly, "you must go and get help. Go to the nearest house." "Yes, that's the only thing," said Peter. "Come on." "If you take his feet and Phil and I take his head, we could carry him to the manhole."

The ray travelled down a moraine of broken coal, so broad at the base that it covered the whole cellar floor, but narrowing upwards and towards the manhole through which the daylight shone. Down through the manhole, too O bliss! came the sound of a man's whistle. "Ph'ut! Phee-ee uht! Darn that fool of a dog! Ph'w "

The sea-valves had been opened only enough to let the water in slowly. Almost at the outset, however, the keel slanted downward, for most of the water was coming into the tanks the bow of the boat. "Help! Help, quick!" roared Benson at the top of his voice. The side ports were not open, but the manhole was, and the ventilators were in place.

However, I got around the difficulty by putting a little bottle of chloroform in each box, corked up, with a slight hole in the cork. The chloroform being volatile and very heavy, settled in the box and displaced all the air. I have never heard of an explosion in a manhole where this chloroform had been used.

"Keep up your courage!" exclaimed the inventor. "We will soon be at the top!" Almost as he spoke the Porpoise bounded from the waves, and fell back in a splash of foam on the surface of the billows. They were at the surface. The professor rushed for the manhole and soon opened it. He crawled out on the deck, followed by the others. They breathed in deep breaths of the fresh air.

"You never knew me to do it when I could ask permission, although, as captain, I have the right to handle the boat. But that leave doesn't extend to all the rest, Eph. What were you doing down there, anyway?" "Why, I came on board, and left the manhole open for ten minutes," answered Somers. "Then I found the cabin thermometer standing at 49 degrees.

The man with whom we earn our money, the man who employs us, his thinking or not thinking, his "I will" and "I won't," are the iron boundaries of the world to us. He is the skylight and the manhole of life.

Stand ready to turn on the electric power. Get ready to dive. Henderson, take the steering wheel in the conning tower." Less than sixty seconds later the ventilators had been taken in, the manhole cover was made fast, and all were below, save Bill Henderson, who sat at the tower wheel, before him an electric lighted compass.