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Updated: August 19, 2024

"Ay, ay, sir," cried Tom; and, with all the alacrity of man-o'-war's men, he and his fellows went off with the lantern, and before long had a cask on deck and rolled it up to the hatchway. "But what for I dunno," muttered Tom, "unless it's for a sentry box." He soon learned.

The Fulton, however, was bent on a peaceful errand, and carried dummy torpedoes instead of the deadly engines of destruction that the man-o'-war's man dreads. "Dive thirty," ordered the captain, at the same time giving his wheel a twist to direct the vessel's course according to the pointing finger of the compass.

I said, as I placed his daughter in a seat beside him. "Did your honour ever see an elephant go up the futtock-shrouds?" "No. I never did." "I thought you must, sir, to ask me why I don't dance. You won't take my fun ill, sir? I'm an old man-o'-war's man, you know, sir." "I should have thought, Rogers, that you would have known better by this time, than make such an apology to ME."

"Not so wonderful," observed Bill Moxey, "as the surprise I seed a whole man-o'-war's crew get by consequence o' the shout o' one of her own men." "When was that? Let's hear about it, Bill," said Corney, stuffing down the tobacco in his pipe, and firing a battery of cloudlets into the air.

Otherwise, the old man-o'-war's man would have been unable to have completed satisfactorily the difficult task set him with only an old axe and a hammer for his available tools, as had been the case when the house was being built.

At the sight of the King's men the pirates flung themselves headlong aboard their schooners, and endeavoured to make off, but they were soon captured and brought back, to be afterwards tried and hanged at the yard-arm. When the man-o'-war's men boarded us, I ran down the companion stairs in search of the captain, whom I found lying senseless at the foot of the ladder.

In the midst of this turbulent tempest of wind and sand, with not a single drop of rain, the castaways continued to sleep. One might suppose, as did the old man-o'-war's man before going to sleep, that they were not in any danger; not even as much as if their couch had been under the roof of a house, or strewn amid the leaves of the forest.

His 'eart was in the right place; and he was well-informed, and knew French; and Latin, I believe, like a native! I liked that 'Ardy; he was a good-looking boy, too." "Did they say much about the wreck?" I asked. "There wasn't much to say, I reckon," replied the man-o'-war's man. "It was all in the papers.

"Running clear now, sir; but in another moment you'd ha' been right on the East Skerries." "What!" cried Tom. "Don't holler, mate," said the smuggler, drily. "Mebbe there's one o' the man-o'-war's boats." "Running right on the East Skerries! Right you are, messmet. That was the tide going into the Marmaid's Kitchen.

"That," said the captain, "is the British man-o'-war's flag." The "Whip-poor-will" speedily whisked the party and others across the sparkling waters to the foot of the grand stairway which had been specially constructed to conduct the elect from the tide to the deck.

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