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"La Beauce, put this on my table." And then turning to me, said, with a laugh: "Your ears should be tingling, monsieur, for the last hour or so there has been nothing but you talked of by my maids-of-honour. It seems that the cock of Orrain has not forgotten the use of his spurs." My tongue had long since forgotten such courtier tricks as it had learned.

The fairy, exacting profound secrecy, presented her with a phial of water drawn from the fountain, strictly ordering that it should be broken when she had drank it all. The queen, charmed by this reception, made presents of inestimable value, and rejoined her maids-of-honour, who had been thrown into an enchanted sleep.

Otherwise, how could she have found the Sentier des Contrebandiers? She wasn't from Granjolaye? 'There's no one at Granjolaye save the Queen herself. 'Deceiver! Manuela told me last night. She has her little Court, her maids-of-honour. I think my inconnue looked like a maid-of-honour.

Just like James II. and the ugly maids-of-honour. I was going to live with him. Can you believe that? And one night at one of the dances, we were kicking up a row a bit dancing about as if we were lunatics and my hair fell down there's not much for a pin to stick into at the best of times. I remember laughing and looking across the room at him.

It has never been my custom to encourage too great freedom at my table; but as the company consisted, with a single exception, of my household, and as this person a Monsieur de Vilain, a young gentleman, the cousin of one of my wife's maids-of-honour showed himself possessed of modesty as well as wit, I thought that the time excused a little relaxation.

The girls sat together in their classes, and, when all were in their places, Miss Clifford came in attended by her maids-of-honour, mounted the reading-desk, and read the little service in a beautiful voice devoutly. Beth softened as she listened, and joined in with all her heart towards the end.

It became true the moment he formulated his thought; Gulliver had described the Brobdingnagian maids-of-honour thus: and mentally and spiritually she corresponded was unsensitive, limited, common. He marvelled that it had only just dawned upon him. And this was to have been his Beatrice, his vision!

Catherine was immediately attended in the words of Grammont by six frights who called themselves maids-of-honour, and a governess who was a monster. With this retinue she repaired to Hampton Court, where the honeymoon was spent, and where for a brief season the poor woman entirely enamoured of the graceful, long-legged rake she had married lived in a fool's paradise.

It was, we may be sure, with a heavy heart that Marie joined the cavalcade which, with its gorgeous procession of equipages, its gaily mounted courtiers, and its brave escort of soldiery, swept out of Paris on its stately progress to Lyons, to meet the Queen-to-be. But there was no escape from the humiliation, for she must accompany Anne of Austria, as one of her retinue of maids-of-honour.