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Updated: July 31, 2024

Sir Stephen smiled at the two puzzled young faces. "Nay, more," he went on, "even the followers of Mahound revere Christ as a prophet. Their name for Him is Ruh' Allah. I have seen a Moslem beat his Christian slave for using an oath that dishonored the name of Christ. In truth, I have come to think that there are very few unbelievers in the world. Much wickedness there is but not unbelief."

You know how the Paynim held that land, the Saracens, to whom Mahound taught all the wisdom of Solomon, as they teach us in turn," she added in a lower voice. "I have heard " but he did not take his eyes off her face. "They were in the theatre at Arles, the Saracens, where the blessed martyr St.

They both fell, and rolled together on the ground; but Torfrid never loosed his hold till he had crushed out his unbaptized soul and sent it to join Mahound in hell. "Then he took his armor, and brought it home in triumph. But after a while he fell sick of a fever; and the blessed St. Trophimus appeared to him, and told him that it was a punishment for his blasphemy in the battle.

"Sir Franklin," answered the Templar, "my Saracen slaves are true Moslems, and scorn as much as any Christian to hold intercourse with a Jew." "Now, in faith," said Wamba, "I cannot see that the worshippers of Mahound and Termagaunt have so greatly the advantage over the people once chosen of Heaven." "He shall sit with thee, Wamba," said Cedric; "the fool and the knave will be well met."

Afterward Mistress Vernon turned on her heel and left Master Darke. In his fluent invocation of Mahound and Termagaunt and other overseers of the damned he presently touched upon eloquence. Comes One with Moly Adelais came into the walled garden of Winstead, aflame now with autumnal scarlet and gold.

Excitement and restlessness took us all. The Admiral's eyes burned like deep gray seas. I could read in them the images behind. Prester John and the Release of the Sepulchre. The Grand Khan a tributary Prince. Argosies of gold, silk and spices, sailing steady, sailing fast over a waterway unblocked by Mahound and his soldans. All Europe burning bright, rising a rich Queen.

'You are a vile pack, Katharine said, and once more the smooth and unctuous sound came from his invisible throat. 'How shall you decide what is vileness, or where will you find a virtuous man? he asked. 'Maybe you will find some among the bones of your old Romans. Yet your Seneca, in his day, did play the villain. Or maybe some at the Court of Mahound. I know not, for I was never there.

No better navigator ever sailed a ship from an English port, and I ha' seen a mort o' fighting and know the art of it upon the sea. Can ye make naught of me here?" "You would become a renegade like me?" His tone was bitter. "I ha' been thinking that 'renegade' is a word that depends upon which side you're on. I'd prefer to say that I've a wish to be converted to the faith of Mahound."

And that you should liefer pore over crabbed monkish stuff with yonder old men! My life on it, there must be some spell!" "No more than of old, when I was ever for book and thou for bow," said Ambrose; "but I'll make thee rueful for old Michael yet. Hast heard tell of the Moors in Spain?" "Moors blackamoors who worship Mahound and Termagant.

As seen from those blue waters, with palace and pinnacle, with gilded dome and towering cypress, it seemeth a very Paradise of Mahound: but, enter the city, and it is but a beggarly labyrinth of rickety huts and dirty alleys, where the ways are steep and the smells are foul, tenanted by mangy dogs and ragged beggars a dismal illusion! Life is such, ah, well-a-day!

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