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Then again, Bull and Macwitty are still more your juniors, having only received their commissions a few months back; and they would feel just as uncomfortable as I should, at having you under them. I don't think that it would do at all. Besides, you know, you are not fond of work by any means, and there would be more to do in a regiment like this than in one of our own."

The two troopers walked gravely away, but as soon as they were at a little distance they turned round the corner of a house and burst into a shout of laughter. "How are you finding yourself to-day, Major Macwitty?" "Just first-rate; and how is yoursel', Major Bull?" and they again went off into another shout of laughter. "This is a rum start, and no mistake, Macwitty."

One day a messenger rode in from Macwitty to Fuentelapena, where Terence had his headquarters; saying that a body of 4000 French infantry, with 1000 cavalry, were on the march from Valladolid towards Zamora. Strong positions had already been selected for the defence, and a bridge broken down at a point where the road crossed a tributary of the Douro.

Macwitty and I have done our best, but it has been nothing more than teaching drill to a lot of recruits." "We had two or three hard fights, too, Bull; and I have very good reason for thinking most highly of you, for I should never have got the corps into an efficient state without your assistance.

Terence at once sent off a mounted man to Valenca to request Herrara to march down with the first battalion and to send on to Macwitty to leave one company to assist the ordenancas to guard the river between Salvatierra and Valenca, and to take post with the other two in front of the latter town. At nightfall he was joined by Herrara.

You have got Dicky Ryan to stir you up and keep you alive, and O'Flaherty to look after your health and see that you don't exceed your allowance; while practically I have no one but Herrara to speak to, for though Bull and Macwitty are excellent fellows in their way, they are not much as companions. "However, I think we must be nearly at the end of it.

The soldiers having drawn back from the barricade, to see the effect of the fire. Ryan ran across the plank and rejoined Terence. "Things are quiet there, for the present," he said. "There has not been much harm done. When they had partly broken down the door, they began firing through it. Bull and Macwitty kept the others back from the line of fire, and not a pistol has been discharged yet.

If the force is not too great we will attack them at night." "How will you know where we shall be, sir?" Macwitty said. "I have arranged with Colonel Herrara that when you halt you shall light two fires a short distance from each other. I will reply by lighting one, and the fires are then to be extinguished."

There will be lots of fighting and opportunities for you to distinguish yourselves, and I hope that I shall be able to speak in high terms of you when I send in my report to General Cradock." "We will do our best, sir," Andrew Macwitty said. "How are we to address you?" "I shall keep to Mr. O'Connor, and shall consider myself a political officer with supreme military authority.

So you see, we are doing good here; though I do not say that I should not like to be over there." "The French will soon be at the top of the hill," Herrara exclaimed. "See how they are pushing upwards." "They certainly are gaining ground fast," Macwitty said. "They are within a hundred yards of the top. Our men don't seem to be able to make any stand against them at all.