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In lymph vessels the cancer cells may merely accumulate so as to fill the lumen and form indurated cords, or they may proliferate and give rise to secondary nodules along the course of the vessels.

"Monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademtum." 3d, 658 line. Plain Talk about Insanity. By T.W. Fisher, M.D. Boston. Pp. 23, 24. Neuralgia, and the Diseases that resemble it. By Francis E. Anstie, M.D. Pp. 122. English ed. Op. cit., p. 160. Wear and Tear. By S. Weir Mitchell, M.D. Body and Mind. By Henry Maudsley, M.D. Lond. p. 31 Op. cit., p. 87. Op. cit., p. 32. "Pistoc.

"Thus, having demonstrated that all war is wrong," she said, approaching her conclusion, "it is scarcely necessary to point out that whatever the actual circumstances of the invasion, and whatever the status of the case in international law, or by reason of treaty, or the German oath to respect the neutrality of Belgium, which of course was grossly and dishonorably violated all this, I say, ladies and gentlemen of the Lumen Society, all this is beside the point of morals.

If Lumen had been to blame for the quarrel, he paid a fearful penalty. Afterwards, however, Althea declared that she had been to blame; and if that were true, she also paid a sad penalty. During the few remaining years of her life she was never in her right mind.

The place seemed to the eyes of the prisoner to grow gradually darker and darker, till he could discern nothing distinctly but the lumen of the eyes that were turned upon him from every bench and side and corner and gallery of the building.

His father, Sir Henry Sidney, lord-deputy of Ireland, and president of Wales, a states man of accomplishments and experience, called him "lumen familiae suae," and said of him, with pardonable pride, "that he had the most virtues which he had ever found in any man; that he was the very formular that all well-disposed young gentlemen do form their manners and life by."

Morus fitted the Clamor with a preface, in which Milton was further reviled, and styled a "monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademtum." The secret of the authorship was strictly kept, and Morus having been known to be concerned in the publication, was soon transformed in public belief into the author. So it was reported to Milton, and so Milton believed.

He had written in capital letters round the walls of his cell these two beautiful lines of an old Latin poet: Tu mihi curarum requies, tu nocte vel atra Lumen, et in solis tu mihi turba locis. Thou art my rest in grief and care, My light in blackest gloom; In solitude which thou dost share, For crowds there is no room.

The instrument is passed along the lumen of the segment to be dealt with, and a ligature applied around the vein above the bulbous end of the stylet enables nearly the whole length of the great saphena vein to be dragged out in one piece.

Roby, 1068. A. 195, d; G. 202, Rem. 5; H. 445, 4. Cf. Fin. 2, 70 Epicurus, hoc enim vestrum lumen est, 'Epicurus, for he is your shining light'. VITIA: 'defects'. DILIGENTIA: scarcely corresponds to our 'diligence'; it rather implies minute, patient attention; 'painstaking'. TANTUM: restrictive, = 'only so much'; so in 69, and often.