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They followed the path that led up over another little hill winding through clumps of hazel brush and a sparse growth of oak and beech. From the summit of this they could see the gypsy camp below them, in an open glade by the roadside. It was as the Wilbur twin had said: there were gayly-painted wagons houses on wheels and a campfire and tethered horses and the lolling gypsies themselves.

We had edged our school of big tuna away from the other schools, and it was milling on the surface, lazily and indifferently. But what latent speed and power lay hidden in that mass of lolling tuna. R. C. from his perch above yelled: "Look out! You're going to drag your bait in front of the leaders this time!" That had not happened yet. I glowed in spite of the fact that I was steeped in gloom.

He went to the cupboard, and got out his marine glass and took a long look at the stranger. "What do you make her out?" asked Tom. "There are men on deck, some swabbing out the roundhouse. One of them is lolling at the wheel. She flies the British flag." "Do you, perhaps, make out the name?" asked the Marquis.

And first, since there are now, alas! followers of his who in their perverted straining after simplicity of existence wander about naked in the streets, and even attend to the wants of nature in public, let me testify that though the Master considered the body and all its functions holy, yet did he give no countenance to such exaggerations; and though in his love for the sun and the water and bodily purity to him a celestial symbol he often bathed in retired streams, yet was he ever clad becomingly in public; and though he regarded not money, yet did he, when necessary, strive to earn it by work, not lolling about smoking and vaunting his Perfection, pretending to be meditating upon God, while others span and toiled for him.

When the steamer is within a mile of the slip, the curaghs are put out and range themselves there are usually from four to a dozen in two lines at some distance from the shore. The moment she comes in among them there is a short but desperate struggle for good places at her side. The men are lolling on their oars talking with the dreamy tone which comes with the rocking of the waves.

As I write these humble lines, so lacking in literary grace, I fancy I can see him lying by my side in that glaring, illimitable wilderness, his poor, dry tongue lolling out, and his piteous brown eyes fixed upon me with an expression of mute appeal that added to my agony. The only thing that kept him from collapsing altogether was the blood of some animal which Yamba might succeed in killing.

Your ponies were cramped from the railway. Hear! Hear, indeed! Bravo! Thus far for sport." He dropped one hand on his sword-hilt and his eye wandered to Dirkovitch lolling back in his chair.

He says that Robert Turold had a dog which he used to take with him on these walks, and he says that the master used to cover the ground with such great strides that the dog had to run after him panting, with lolling tongue." "That sounds stretched," said Barrant. "Most fishermen exaggerate. However, I'll look up this man when I return, and question him. It never does to throw away a chance."

On the upper terrace I found Von Reuss, lolling against the parapet with other blue flittermice, his peers he himself no flittermouse, indeed, but of the true Casimir vampire breed, horrid of tooth, nocturnal, desirous of lusts and blood. At sight of him I went straight at mine enemy, as if I had been leading a charge. "Sir," said I, "you are a base rascal.

He could be seen by glimpses between the guardsmen's hats, sitting with hands tied behind his back, his head bared and swaying from side to side, his face to the cart's tail. The headsman stood beside him lolling against the rail. The passers-by had stopped to look and were telling each other it was likely one of the fellows who starved the people, and staring with eyes of indifference.