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Updated: August 15, 2024

The American professor has no time to be interested in a clever student. He has time to be interested in his "deportment," his letter-writing, his executive work, and his organising ability and his hope of promotion to a soap factory. But with that his mind is exhausted.

There is perhaps no body of epistles except Madame de Sévigné's own which Horace fervently admired and, assisted perhaps by the feminine element in his own nature, copied assiduously exhibiting the possible charm of letter-writing more distinctly or more copiously.

"Perhaps you would like to see his last letter?" said Ben. "I should. I want to see what the old rascal has to say for himself." Ben took from his pocket the letter in question, and put it into the hands of his new acquaintance. It was dated at Centerville, October 21. It was written in a cramped hand, showing that the farmer was not accustomed to letter-writing.

So far as I am concerned, Miss Renwick needed no defender; but, thanks to your mysterious and unwarranted absence from quarters two very unlucky nights, and to other circumstances I have no need to name, and to your penchant for letter-writing of a most suggestive character, it is Miss Renwick whose name has been brought into question here at this post, and most prominently so.

I hope you will not be offended at my offering you my assistance upon this occasion; because, I presume, that as yet, you are not much used to write to ladies. 'A propos' of letter-writing, the best models that you can form yourself upon are, Cicero, Cardinal d'Ossat, Madame Sevigne, and Comte Bussy Rebutin.

Since Posh's letter-writing powers received praise from one so qualified to bestow it, there must have been a falling off from want of practice, or from some other cause, for the old man is readier with his cod lines than with his pen by a very great deal, and it is difficult to believe that he ever wielded the pen of a ready writer.

"Will you permit me to retire? I am obliged to undertake a long and painful correspondence." "Certainly, nephew." As soon as the goodman was certain that Charles could hear nothing and was probably deep in his letter-writing, he said, with a dissimulating glance at his wife,

Sidonius, like Synesius, was a Christian, and, though the observation may seem no more logical than Fluellen's about Macedon and Monmouth, besides being in more doubtful taste, there would seem to be some connection between the spread of Christianity and that of letter-writing. At any rate they synchronise, despite or perhaps because of the deficiency of formal literature during the "Dark" Ages.

But a very quiet time was not just the holiday that Judith had planned to have, and after a long night's sleep and a peaceful day devoted to letter-writing she was lively as a cricket and ready for anything. Christmas shopping absorbed the first two days: Aunt Nell found it tiring, but to Judith the shops all glittering with Yuletide gaiety were wholly fascinating.

It was also in the eighteenth century the century once more of letter-writing that letters, this time genuine not fictitious, began to play, to an important extent, a subsidiary part in yet another department of literature biography. They had always done so, of course, to an extent less important in History, of which Biography is really a subdivision.

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