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On endeavouring to do so, he found the fellow sceptical of his bona fides." "I should have legged it." "That is the policy which appears to have commended itself to Mr. Fink-Nottle. He darted rapidly away, and the cabman, endeavouring to detain him, snatched at his overcoat. Mr.

"Whoa, you bean-headed jasper," he yelled. "I'll ride you myself." His father caught a brown bald-faced horse, nothing much to look at, that acted gentle enough until he was mounted. Then! He arched his back, jumped up stiff legged, and began to pitch. Evidently Smith had been a horseman in his day. He stayed on. "Hang on, Dad," yelled Pan in delight. "Ride him, cowboy," shrieked Blinky.

"He is light as a feather." "Swift as a stag." "Lunged like a bull." "Legged like a wolf." "He runs!" These things were said to Fionn, and Fionn said these things to himself. With every passing minute a drop of lead thumped down into every heart, and a pang of despair stabbed up to every brain.

Even the safe is open ... and empty!" "But how does it happen then," asked Robin, "that Marbran has legged it while Jeekes here ..." "Marbran left him in the lurch," the Chief broke in decisively. "I think that's clear. While you were upstairs with our Dutch friend, I went through the dead man's pockets. He had no money, Greve, except a few coppers and a little Dutch change.

She was long necked, long legged, long haired, wall-eyed, lean, and badly in need of currying, and yet Irish Mike was no fool, and Mike knew Eric's extremity his and the girl's whom he loved. He noted the deep, broad chest, the tapering barrel and the tremendous driving power in the steel muscles of the hind quarters, but she drooped, spiritless. He turned again to the satin-coated half-breed.

It has ceased from lying around, and goes about on its four legs now. Yet it differs from the other four legged animals, in that its front legs are unusually short, consequently this causes the main part of its person to stick up uncomfortably high in the air, and this is not attractive. It is built much as we are, but its method of traveling shows that it is not of our breed.

How long has it been since England repealed the Test Act? since she granted political equality to Jews? to Catholics? In this respect she even legged behind the Ottoman Empire. She is the only "Christian" nation on earth to-day that sanctions human slavery.

She sunk back on a hassock and held her arms in position for playing a lute. The children settled in crossed legged heaps and regarded her solemnly.

When he reached his fishing-place, he heard a voice singing "Man with the leg tied up, Man with the leg tied up, Broken hip hip Hipped. Man with the leg tied up, Man with the leg tied up, Broken leg leg Legged." He looked round but saw no one, so he suspected the words were sung by his enemies the buffaloes, and hastened home.

Boone, a stout, hale, athletic man, dressed in a homespun hunting shirt, bare legged and moccasined, carried a long and heavy rifle, which, as he was loading it, he said had proved efficient in all his former undertakings, and which he hoped would not fail on this occasion, as he felt proud to show me his skill.