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"Since the little girl has the family features, the chances are that she has the family brains, and no lack of wit and spirit." Mr. Fairfax groaned. He held the not uncommon opinion that wit and spirit endanger a man's peace and rule in a house. And yet in the case of his son Laurence's Xantippe he had evidence enough that nothing in nature is so discordant and intractable as a fool.

One day the people who so often collected around Turner's work were shocked to see that the beautiful canvas had lost its brilliancy, and evidently had been tampered with by some miscreant. A friend ran to inform Turner of the bad news. "Don't say anything. I only smirched it with lampblack. It was spoiling the effect of Laurence's picture that hung next to it.

March said to the girls, who were all busied about her, one folding her shawl, another smoothing out the strings of her bonnet, a third putting on her overshoes, and a fourth fastening up her travelling bag... "Children, I leave you to Hannah's care and Mr. Laurence's protection. Hannah is faithfulness itself, and our good neighbor will guard you as if you were his own.

Forgetting that his emotion would be seen, he came out from the shadow where he had stood, and spoke to M. Courtois: "I, Monsieur Lecoq, of the detectives, give you my honor that I will find Mademoiselle Laurence's body." The poor mayor grasped desperately at this promise, as a drowning man to a straw. "Oh, yes, we will find her, won't we? You will help me.

"I am the heir to a peerage, and my grandfather well, I need not speak of him. Besides, I know the Duke of York, who is still commander-in-chief." Laurence's temper got the better of him. "It is you and the like of you who defy regulations and are the shame of the British army."

The Butterfly Man was immensely proud of Laurence's handsome person and his grace of speech and manner; he had even a more profound respect for his more solid attainments, for his own struggle upward had deepened his regard for higher education.

A mother should read her daughter's heart as in a book. I did not suspect Laurence's secret; I am a most unhappy mother." The doctor also came to her. "Madame," said he, in an imperious tone, "your husband must be persuaded to go to bed at once. His condition is very serious, and a little sleep is absolutely necessary. I will have a potion prepared "

Laurence's marriage the squire had destroyed the last will of his own making, and that he had not even drawn out a rough scheme of his further intentions. The entailed estates were of course inalienable those must pass to his son and his son's son but there were houses and lands besides over which he had the power of settlement.

"I just couldn't stand things, any more by myself " Gone was the fine lady, the great beauty, the proud jilt who had broken Laurence's heart and maddened and enslaved Inglesby. Here was only a piteous child with eyes heavy from weeping, with a pale and sad face and drooping childish lips.

The particular law of personal necessity made him eloquent, and he managed to disperse the crowd. But he never forgot the contemptuous expression of the two brothers, nor the "Leave this house!" of Mademoiselle de Cinq-Cygne. Therefore, when it was a question of selling the estates of the Comte de Cinq-Cygne, Laurence's brother, as national property, the sale was rigorously made.