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Updated: August 11, 2024

"`Is it really true, Mr Sailor, says the old lady, `as how there are fishes in the sea in these latitoods, as can fly in the air, like birds? The capting told me to ax you, or I wouldn't trouble you. "`Bless you, mum, no trouble at all, answered the man. `In course there be flying fish hereabouts; you'll see flocks of 'em presently. "`And are they very large, Mr Sailor? says the old lady.

My port's not 'Frisco; I feel it." "Don't you be thinking that sort of thing," said the other, taking his seat in a chair close by. "There's no manner of use forecastin' the weather a month ahead. Now we're in warm latitoods, your glass will rise steady, and you'll be as right and spry as any one of us, before we fetch the Golden Gates."

Thunder, mister, it's kinder gettin' played out, I reckon, knocking about in these air latitoods, without nary going ahead even once in a blue moon!" "Oh, the wind isn't far off now," replied Captain Dinks, "you see those porpoises there, passing us now and playing astern? Well, they are a certain sign of a breeze soon coming from the quarter towards which they're swimming."

And what may you be doin' down in these here latitoods?" "We are yachting, for the benefit of my little daughter's health," answered Sir Reginald, briefly, as the boat ranged up alongside the gangway-ladder, and the baronet waved his not altogether welcome guest to precede him to the deck, where the rest of the party awaited his arrival.

Can't ye see I'm nakid as Adam, except fer this old rag? I wouldn't mind if I ware signed on regular like the rest, 'cause I could take it out the slop chest in work. But here I is without no regular work, no chanst to draw on the old man, an' next month, most like, we'll be running up the latitoods inter frost. I'm in a hard fix, shipmate, an' you kin see it."

"There wasn't nothing the matter with none of us at the time; but a'ter we'd been becalmed about a week which, let me tell ye, mates, ain't nothing so very much out of the common in them latitoods the second mate fell sick, and took to his bunk. He hadn't been there not two hours when somebody sings out as there was a shark under the counter; and we goes to work to try and catch him.

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