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Updated: August 23, 2024

The remains of Mme. de Bériot were temporarily interred in the Collegiate Church in Manchester, but they were shortly afterward removed to Laeken, near Brussels. Over her tomb in the Laeken churchyard the magnificent mausoleum surmounted with her statue was erected by De Bériot. The celebrated sculptor Geefs modeled it, and the work is regarded as one of the chefs-d'ouvre of the artist.

Just go and have a look at that garniture de cheminee yonder. There's another, something like it, in the castle of Laeken, but mine's much superior in design." I moved accordingly to the other side of that big room. The garniture was very fine. But while pretending to examine it I watched my man going forward to meet a tall visitor, who said, "I thought you would be disengaged so early.

But the Emperor was then living in a state of continual agitation; Laeken, Mayence and Cassel were as familiar stopping-places as Saint-Cloud and Fontainebleau, and even if a few minutes' audience could be obtained, what hope was there of fixing his attention on the life of an insignificant woman? Chauveau-Lagarde advised the intervention of Mme.

While the Emperor was visiting Boulogne, Ostend, and Flushing, the Queen made her way, with a magnificent court, to Belgium. She left Compiegne, September 22, and took up her residence at the castle at Laeken, near Brussels. She often visited the Belgian capital, which then was only the chief town of a French department, the department of the Dyle.

"Jules picked the plums, and Jeanne washed the almonds, and Christine took the ribbon off her own communion cap, all for you all for you; but you will let us come and eat it too?" Old Gran'mère Bishot, who was the oldest woman about Laeken, hobbled through the grass on her crutches and nodded her white shaking head, and smiled at Bébée.

The students visited the king's palace; but his majesty usually resides at Laeken, and the establishment represents royalty on a small scale and the Chamber of Representatives, in which the two branches of the Belgian legislature convene.

A beautiful villa in the suburb of Laeken was ready to receive me and I found that a large credit had been opened in my name at one of the principal banks so that I could keep open house. "I think I scarcely realized then the role that I was destined to fill by the German Secret Service.

A crowd of people preceded the procession, as it came out of the Rue de Laeken into the Boulevard d'Anvers. At the head of it marched the military band, and the cortége was flanked by soldiers of the Belgian army, indicating that the government felt an interest in the display.

He slid a gold piece in her hand. She looked at it in amaze. In the green lanes by Laeken no one ever saw gold. Then she gave it him back. "I will not take money in church, nor anywhere, except what the flowers are worth. Good night." He followed her, and held back the heavy oak door for her, and went out into the air with her.

As she got clear of the city and out on her country road, a shadow Fell across her in the evening light. "Have you had a good day, little one?" asked a voice that made her stop with a curious vague expectancy and pleasure. "It is you!" she said, with a little cry, as she saw her friend of the silk stockings leaning on a gate midway in the green and solitary road that leads to Laeken.

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