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He rarely washes his clothes, but wears them till they are so dirty that he can wear them no longer, and then buys new ones; and he appears to think that this is the best arrangement. Mohammedans and marriage. Their conception of heaven. Their trading on board ships. The smell of India. The Indian "send-off." Use of the plural. Mistakes concerning it. Unappreciated English jocosity.

This was a jocosity if not a mockery, but it was the first time I had heard the words in Ireland. The tune is almost unknown, and the current issue of United Ireland ridicules the notion that the Irish are going to learn it.

"I might have lent you one, only it is rather large for a little girl," he added, speaking with a sort of artificial jocosity. "You must find that road rather dark and lonely on a night like this?" He paused again. "Don't you?" For a moment or two she did not speak, and that silence somehow gave her answer an undue significance. "Yes," she said at last.

When he was within half a mile or so, a picket of mounted men rode out to meet him, followed by a miscellaneous crowd on horseback and on foot. "Who goes there?" shouted a voice in honest English. "A friend who is uncommonly glad to see you," John answered, with that feeble jocosity in which we are all apt to indulge when at length a great weight is lifted from our nerves.

So far, therefore, Brian had not betrayed her; and, having kept her secret so long, it might be supposed he would keep it for all time. Poor little warm-hearted Bessie! Was not she by her foolish falsification a piece of mild jocosity, no doubt the prime author of all the evil that had followed?

Bushwick listened as mutely, with a face that, to Verrian's eye, seemed to harden from its light jocosity into a severity he had not seen in it before. "It was something," she ended towards Bushwick, with a catch in her breath, "that you had to know." "Yes," he answered, tonelessly. "And now" she attempted a little forlorn playfulness "don't you think he gave me what I deserved?"

An air of tragedy seemed to hang over us ... for the life of me I couldn't understand what had become of Paul's good-natured, rude jocosity. Why he had grown into a silent, sorrowful man.... "You kin bunk up with Paul to-night, Johnnie," announced Rachel, when it came bedtime. Paul had already slunk off to bed right after supper. It was dark in the room when I got there.

But, when admitted, he was in no spirit to enjoy her jocosity concerning Bailie Pollock's spree, so he told her that he had come far and had far to go, and that having heard sore tidings of a friend, he was fain to go to bed and try if he could compose himself with an hour or two of sleep.

If I were to answer with the jocosity in which my critic indulges, I certainly doubt whether he would justify me. Nevertheless, it had wholly escaped my notice that the satirist had ridiculed it, as I now infer that he did.

He grinned and put his hand out for the bottle, and after a pull passed it to the carpenter. I guessed by his jocosity that he had already been making somewhat free; for although I love a bold face put upon a difficulty, ours was a situation in which only a tipsy man could find food for merriment. At this instant we were startled by a wild and fearful shout on deck.