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Updated: August 23, 2024

After three miles we passed, on the left, ruins of long walls and Arab Wasm, with white memorial stones perched on black. In front rose the tall Jebel Tulayh, buttressing the right or northern bank of the Damah; and behind it, stained faint-blue by distance, floated in the flickering mirage the familiar forms of the Tihamah range, a ridge now broken into half a dozen blocks.

The sand, so crusted on the surface that it broke into rattling flakes at every step, held undisputed sway. The Jebel was out of view, and there was no landmark visible. The shadow that before followed had now shifted to the north, and was keeping even race with the objects which cast it; and as there was no sign of halting, the conduct of the traveller became each moment more strange.

We then fell into the Wady Jibbah; passed the Jebel el-Kibrit, examined M. Philipin's work, and, led over a very vile and very long "short cut," found ourselves once more on board the Mukhbir. The chief stores are: Wheat, always procurable, per Ardebb, ten to twelve dollars. Barley, always procurable, per Ardebb, five to six dollars. Eggs, thirty-five to the shilling.

Bab el Mandeb is called as above by Humayd from its astronomical position. Jebel Mayyum is in Africa, Jebel Zubah or Muayyin, celebrated as the last resting-place of a great saint, Shaykh Said, is in Arabia. Ajam properly means all nations not Arab. In Egypt and Central Asia it is now confined to Persians.

The partner was neither pleased nor displeased at seeing me there; every day he went to pasture his flock on the slopes of the opposite Jebel Guetter, returning at nightfall; he tried to be civil but failed, for want of vocabulary. I gave him the salutation, and passed on in the gloaming. This collecting of flint implements grows upon one at Gafsa; it is in the air.

Out of one of these wadies or, more particularly, out of that one which rises at the extreme end of the Jebel, and, extending east of north, becomes at length the bed of the Jabbok River a traveller passed, going to the table-lands of the desert. To this person the attention of the reader is first besought. Judged by his appearance, he was quite forty-five years old.

Some tribes confine the symbol to widowhood, others extend it to all male relations; a strip of white cotton, or even a white fillet, instead of the usual blue cloth, is used by the more civilized. Cain is said to repose under Jebel Shamsan at Aden an appropriate sepulchre. This beast, called by the Somal Jambel, closely resembles the Sindh species.

M. Arcelin mentions a similar deposit on the summit of the Jebel Kalabshee, near Esneh in Egypt, and a few years ago another was found in Palestine, near the ancient Berytus, containing great numbers of hatchets, saws, scrapers, and all the implements characteristic of the Stone age; whilst amongst them lay the blocks from which they had been cut.

The view from the dismantled ramparts is not excelled in this part of the world. It, indeed, rivals the view from the celebrated peak south of the Jabbok, Jebel Osha. Dr. Thomson says, "In reality this prospect includes more points of biblical and historical interest than any other on the face of the earth." And Dr.

It rises near Jerju'a from the western flank of Jebel Rihan, the southern extremity of the Lebanon range, and flows at first to the south-west. The source is "a fine large fountain bursting forth with violence, and with water enough for a mill race."

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