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The hydrographers have given enlarged plans of Yaharr and Jibbah, ports close to each other; while they have ignored the far more deserving Sharm Dumayghah.

The bargain was struck, after infinite wrangling, for a houlee and a jibbah, of the value of four dollars ! I did not, therefore, "sell for much," and Christians at four dollars per head in The Desert must be considered very cheap. It is said, every man has his price; I had not the honour of fixing my price. This was done for me, and I ratified the bargain.

Thus far it resembles the Jibbah find: on the other hand, it is not plutonic, but chalky like those of Makna and Sinai, the crystals being similarly diffused throughout the matrix.

The latter ends in an isolated peak, the Jebel Gharghur, which, on our return, was mistaken for the sulphur-hill of Jibbah. Presently we renewed acquaintance with the Wady el-Bayza, whose lower course we had crossed south of Sharm Yaharr: here it is a long and broad, white and tree-dotted expanse, glaring withal, and subtending all this section of the Sharr's sea-facing base.

We then fell into the Wady Jibbah; passed the Jebel el-Kibrit, examined M. Philipin's work, and, led over a very vile and very long "short cut," found ourselves once more on board the Mukhbir. The chief stores are: Wheat, always procurable, per Ardebb, ten to twelve dollars. Barley, always procurable, per Ardebb, five to six dollars. Eggs, thirty-five to the shilling.

Passed the grave of one who had died in open desert, a small tumulus of stones marked the sad spot; passed also a few white-bleached camel's bones. Very cold, wind from north-east. Feel it more than the keenest winter's blast of Old England. Feel glad I took the advice of the Governor of Ghadames, and purchased a quantity of warm woollen clothing, heik, bornouse, and jibbah. 27th.

'Only a Kurdish giaour would fire on the livery of the Kaaba. Then I had a good look at Sandy. He had discarded shawls and wrappings, and stood up in the strangest costume man ever wore in battle. Somehow he had procured field-boots and an old pair of riding-breeches. Above these, reaching well below his middle, he had a wonderful silken jibbah or ephod of a bright emerald.

El-Lithām ‮اللثام‬ is the bandage which all the Touaricks wear around the face, covering every part of it except the top of the cheek-bones and the eyes. The houlee, ‮حولي‬, is the same as the heik, and the jibbah, ‮جبّه‬, is a huge frock or tobe, with short sleeves, and coming up close round the neck.