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He had slain her brothers, whereupon the maiden, as another perhaps would have foreseen, had cast herself upon their bodies, sorrow annulling her resentment. He had stood over her, shielding her from the vengeance of her kindred pressing around. His armour had been shattered; the girl lay dead on her dead brothers. Wounded and weaponless, he had been chased by the infuriate horde.

I will today slay that hero of fierce prowess, like an exceedingly infuriate elephant slaying an infuriate compeer. I shall, by my mind alone, hurl today at Partha, for my victory, that weapon of immeasurable energy, called the brahmastra. Arjuna will never be able to escape that weapon, if only the wheels of my car do not sink into the Earth in battle today.

Not for a second did this castinet accompaniment to the stupendous bass of the storm cease, and Alexander, whose imagination, like every other sense in him, was quickening preternaturally, could fancy himself surrounded by the orchestra of hell, the colossal instruments of the infernal regions performed upon by infuriate Titans.

"It's a secret still," she said. "No one knows but Mother. Hartley doesn't want it announced yet!" The sound of the Christian name suddenly seemed to infuriate Greve. "By God!" he cried, "it shan't be! You must be mad, Mary, to think of marrying a man like Hartley Parrish.

He felt that a flood of deep waters in which he was floundering helplessly was overwhelming him. A deep silence had followed the last words of Mr. Allan, who continued to trim the switch, while his wife, sinking into a chair, bowed her face in her arms, folded upon the table, and began to cry softly. The gentle sounds of her weeping seemed but further to infuriate her husband.

Therefore, take me before the preceptor and carry me thither, O Uttara." Vaisampayana continued, "Thus addressed by Arjuna, Virata's son urged his steeds decked with gold towards the car of Bharadwaja's son. And Drona also rushed towards the impetuously advancing Partha, the son of Pandu, that foremost of car-warriors, like an infuriate elephant rushing towards an infuriate compeer.

Bertram rushed forward as though to stay the infuriate fanatic, but one or two of the dervishes who stood around gently prevented him, without speaking a word. And then the finale came. Crack he went against the wall, rebounded off, and went at it again, and then again. They were no mock blows, but serious, heavy raps, as from a small battering-ram.

Anyhow I WAS there and I felt it all right. That's all I can say. You must take me as I am," said Francie Dosson. "Don't don't; you infuriate me!" he pleaded, frowning. She had seemed to soften, but she was in a sudden flame again. "Of course I do, and I shall do it again. We're too terribly different. Everything makes you so. You CAN'T give them up ever, ever. Good-bye good-bye!

He who has made orphans and widows at her very door. He who has more than once endangered her very life by selling those cursed drinks which so infuriate men. He who would, I doubt not, take her life this day, if by so doing he could escape punishment, and add another penny to his cursed store."

"Arjuna, getting at the son of Ganga, afflicted him with many arrows of keen points, and rushed at him like an infuriate elephant in the forest upon another. King Bhagadatta, however, of great prowess then rushed at Arjuna, and checked his course in battle with showers of arrows.