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Updated: August 17, 2024

It is the fortune of war." "You have fought bravely, monsieur, and you and your crew will be treated as brave men," answered Mr Leigh. He then ordered that the dead should be hove overboard, and the wounded carried below, to be attended to by the surgeon.

Formation of a Basin for heaving the Fury downLanding of the Fury’s Stores, and other preparationsThe Ships secured within the BasinImpediments from the pressure of the IceFury hove downSecurities of the Basin destroyed by a Gale of WindPreparations to tow the Fury outHecla re-equipped, and obliged to put to SeaFury again driven on ShoreRejoin the Fury; and find it necessary finally to abandon her.

We made Alassio in the evening, lay to, hauled up our wine-casks, and hove them overboard, tied one to the other by a long line. Then the crew took to the boats and rowed shorewards, singing as they went, and drawing after them the long bobbing procession of casks, like a mile of porpoises.

Meanwhile, McGuffey contented himself by parading backward and forward across the fo'castle head with a Mauser rifle in the hollow of his arm and his person fairly bristling with pistols and cutlasses. Whenever one of the flotilla of canoes hove to at a respectful distance, showed signs of crossing an imaginary deadline drawn by McGuffey, he would point his rifle at them and swear horribly.

He jumped up, and holding all the things together, as it were in a lump, he hove them away into the sea as far from him as he could, uttering at the same time a loud and deep curse. `There goes the last link of the chain that binds me to slavery! he exclaimed. `Now, my lads, I'm once more Jim Dore, the bold smuggler.

Both were too excited to know what they were about, and the captain, who was the stronger of the two, would have hove the mate overboard had not the crew rushed aft and separated them. The mate then went below, and the captain rolled about the deck, stamping and shouting that he would be revenged on him. At last he also went down into the cabin.

She had seventy or eighty poor wretches stowed closely together in her hold, and was going to take them to an island in the north of Madagascar, where they were to be shipped on board a French vessel bound for some French island or other. Soon after I got on board a breeze sprang up, and the dhow made sail. We had been at sea four or five days when a large schooner hove in sight.

It seemed but a few minutes before D'Arcy's clearing hove in sight. Philip fired off his gun to draw his friend's attention to them, and they had only time to haul down their sails before, with the impetus the craft had attained, she glided up to the landing-place, and sent them all tumbling forward, as she made a bold attempt to run up the bank, only prevented by Harry with his iron-shod pole.

Chain-slings were passed around the carcases, which gripped the animal at the "small," being prevented from slipping off by the broad spread of the tail. The end of the "fall," or tackle-rope, was then taken to the windlass, and we hove away cheerily, lifting the monsters right on deck. A mountainous pile they made.

It was still unknown in what direction they had gone, when, the day after Admiral Hall's squadron had reached us, a vessel was seen coming from the south. On approaching she hove to, and her master came on board the flag-ship.

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