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Aside from that, I was ready to go." "Well," said Lisa indignantly, "a good father would have encouraged you to go. He should have been able to see that you were good at what you did, and that you deserved this chance to make good." "Absolutely," agreed Hootsey. "But I don't expect that your father gave you the money. Did you ever get to Waterloo?"

"You're back! And you have brought an army with you!" "Hello, Mr. President," said the Sniffer messenger. "This is Queen Ozma of Oz and with her are Elephant, Lisa, Hootsey, Tweaty and Nibbles from the Lunechien Forest of Oz. I have told them of our plight, and they have come to try and help." "And not a moment too soon," said President Schnozzle. "The Stinkfoots have sent me another letter.

"So then, they are elephants?" asked Nibbles. "Shaggy elephants?" tweeted Tweaty. "Wooly mammoths?" questioned Lisa and Hootsey together. "Neither of those," replied the princess. "They are just Droffs." "We did not come to seek the Droffs," said Ozma. "Nor did we come to see the Gilligoggs. We were looking for the Saber-Toothed Light-Bulbs. Are they not in this area?"

'She'll support the sight of me all the less, the girl faltered. 'Mother'll hev ye at Hootsey receive ye willin' of her own free wish of her own free wish, d'ye hear? I'll answer for that. He struck the table with his fist heavily. His tone of determination awed her: she glanced at him hurriedly, struggling with her irresolution. 'I knaw hoo t' manage mother.

"And what might the name of these creatures be?" responded Elephant. "Well," answered Hootsey. "Two important factors contribute to their name. One is their ability to light their bodies up at night brighter than a hundred glow worms. The second is when they open their mouths and expose those teeth you would think you were looking at a Saber-Toothed tiger. Anyone want to guess their name?"

I do have fairy powers, but am not anxious to face the Forest Monster myself. If you could at least back me up while I try to reason with him..." "Don't waste your time," said Tweaty. "You can't reason with that thing. It will bite you in half before you get past the greeting." "Say," interjected Hootsey. "Maybe that isn't so. We have already seen Ozma do some amazing things.

"What slobs!" said Lisa with distaste. "And that princess had the nerve to say that Droffs were messy!" "But it explains why the Droffs have such low-quality land," sighed Ozma. "It isn't that the Droffs are unsanitary. The very reason the Gilligoggs look down on the Droffs is caused by the Gilligoggs themselves!" "They are high and sophisticated, I guess," added Hootsey.

Since it was getting dark by this time, he failed to notice the thick, dark area looming up in front of him, when CRASH! He went straight into it. And since it was really dark now, the shadowy occupants were quite invisible. Hootsey suggested that there was no point in stumbling around in the dark, and that the best thing to do would be for everyone to lie down and go to sleep.

The elephant walked on for a few miles without incident, but then came upon a marshy area. "I don't remember this place," said Hootsey with disdain. The marshy area was barren of all trees. Stretched out before them lay what seemed to be miles of reeds surrounding patches of dirty looking water with steam rising to form a veritable fog. The whole area looked very formidable and quite scary.

"I'd say more than likely," agreed Lisa. "But," put in Hootsey, "the Stinkfoots can't live without their stinkweed. Or they refuse to, in any event" "Maybe we have a solution," grinned Ozma. "But we don't," said Hootsey. "They will refuse to give up their stinkweeds. You know it's true." "Not if they can have them," said Ozma. "Listen, President Schnozzle.