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The President, officers, and troops of the Republic thereupon took the oath of allegiance to the United States, thus providing for the uninterrupted continuance of all the administrative and municipal functions of the annexed territory until Congress shall otherwise enact. Following the further provision of the joint resolution, I appointed the Hons.

It puzzled and troubled me. The Citizens Union began its campaign early that autumn, long before the Hons. Jonathan Parks and Timothy MacGuire Republican and Democratic candidates for Mayor thought of going on the stump. For several weeks the meetings were held in the small halls and club rooms of various societies and orders in obscure portions of the city.

Other MSS. are rather fuller: "Et Messires Gauvain savoit Plus que nus hons vivant de plaies, Unes herbe voit les une haies Qu'il connoissoit lonc temps avoit Que son mestre apris li avoit Enseigniee et bien moustree, Et il l'avoit bien esgardee Si l'a molt bien reconneue." We find reference to Gawain's possession of medical knowledge elsewhere.

GEO. W. CRAWFORD, Secretary of War. WM. BALLARD PRESTON, Secretary of the Navy. J. COLLAMER, Postmaster-General. WASHINGTON, July 9, 1850. To the Hons.

On the receipt of this message the further consideration of the question which they had met to discuss was deferred until after the Canadian delegates had arrived. They came in the government steamer Victoria on the following day and were found to embrace the leading men then in Canadian political life, the Hons.

On the same day, the following gentlemen were elected by the House of Representatives as Managers to conduct the prosecution of the impeachment of the President before the Senate Hons. Jno. A. Bingham, of Ohio; George S. Boutwell, of Massachusetts; James F. Wilson, of Iowa; Benj.

My thoughts have been much saddened by the news which I received of the death of Mary Edmonson." "May 30. The next day from my last letter came off Miss Greenfield's concert, of which I send a card. You see in what company they have put your poor little wife. Funny! isn't it? Well, the Hons. and Right Hons. all were there. I sat by Lord Carlisle.

Lewisham could see them afresh every morning as his head came through his shirt. And over the yellow-painted box upon which for lack of shelves Mr. Lewisham's library was arranged, was a "Schema." Lewisham proposed to take his B.A. degree at the London University with "hons. in all subjects," and 1895 as the date of his "gold medal."

The President, officers, and troops of the Republic thereupon took the oath of allegiance to the United States, thus providing for the uninterrupted continuance of all the administrative and municipal functions of the annexed territory until Congress shall otherwise enact. Following the further provision of the joint resolution, I appointed the Hons.

The government thus formed comprised the Hons. James Brown, S. L. Tilley, William Henry Steeves, John M. Johnson, Albert J. Smith, David Wark and Charles Watters. The Hon. Charles Fisher became attorney-general, and, resigning his seat, was reëlected for the county of York prior to the meeting of the legislature on June 24th, 1857.