United States or Yemen ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was never advertised in the newspapers, with a long list of "Hons." and bank presidents as unimpeachable references. The bright little plate on her door exhibited only "Pillbody," in neat script, and no hint of the existence of a school within.

The President, officers, and troops of the Republic thereupon took the oath of allegiance to the United States, thus providing for the uninterrupted continuance of all the administrative and municipal functions of the annexed territory until Congress shall otherwise enact. Following the further provision of the joint resolution, I appointed the Hons.

It puzzled and troubled me. The Citizens Union began its campaign early that autumn, long before the Hons. Jonathan Parks and Timothy MacGuire Republican and Democratic candidates for Mayor thought of going on the stump. For several weeks the meetings were held in the small halls and club rooms of various societies and orders in obscure portions of the city.

The reporters referred to them as the Ancient Order of Has-Beens, and wounded the General's pride by calling him Past Master of the Grand Lodge of Hons. He came home from the meeting of the boss-busters at which this insult had been heaped upon him and bellowed like a mad bull for six months, using so much space in his paper that there was no room at all for local news.

It puzzled and troubled me. The Citizens Union began its campaign early that autumn, long before the Hons. Jonathan Parks and Timothy MacGuire Republican and Democratic candidates for Mayor thought of going on the stump. For several weeks the meetings were held in the small halls and club rooms of various societies and orders in obscure portions of the city.