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If the ill spirit have so fair a house, Good things will strive to dwell with't. One of the pleasantest rooms at Hollywell was Mrs.

He looked round the room, and everywhere knew what Guy's taste had prepared for his bride piano, books, prints, similarities to Hollywell, all with a fresh new bridal effect, inexpressibly melancholy.

Yet he had never cared so much for the thought of his father as for his mother. His yearning for her which he had felt in early days at Hollywell, had returned in double force, as he now fancied that she would have been here to comfort him, and to share his grief, to be a Mrs. Edmonstone, whose love no fault and no offence could ever cancel. He rode to Moorworth, and made Mrs.

A few mornings after, he found on the table an envelope, which he studied, as if playing with his eagerness. It had an East-hill post-mark, and a general air of Hollywell writing, but it was not in the hand of either of the gentlemen, nor was the tail of the y such as Mrs. Edmonstone was wont to make. It had even a resemblance to Amabel's own writing that startled him.

On Saturday afternoon, about half-past five, Philip Morville found himself driving up to the well-known front door of Hollywell. At the door he heard that every one was out excepting Lady Morville, who never came down till the evening, save for a drive in the carriage.

Grief for the only parent he had ever known, and the sensation of being completely alone in the world, were joined to a vague impression of horror at the suddenness of the stroke, and it was long before the influence of Hollywell, or the elasticity of his own youthfulness, could rouse him from his depression.

He spoke no more, but she did not regret it, for she could not moralize in such a scene, and the sight and the dancing were pleasure enough. Guy, in the meantime, had met an Oxford acquaintance, who introduced him to his sisters pretty girls whose father Mr. Edmonstone knew, but who was rather out of the Hollywell visiting distance.

After his week at Thorndale Park, Captain Morville returned to make his farewell visit at Hollywell, before joining his regiment at Cork, whence it was to sail for the Mediterranean.

Hardly this year, I am afraid, for things must be comfortable for him, and I shall never get them so without Amy, and then it will be autumn. Well, what next? Oh, you said window-curtains. Some blue sort of stuff, I suppose, like the drawing-room ones at Hollywell. What's the name of it? In fact, Mrs.

Markham was too happy not to grant and grumble more than ever. 'Well, Sir Guy; so here you are! You've lost no time about it, however. A fine pair of young housekeepers, and a pretty example of early marriages for the parish! Guy laughed. 'You must come and see the example, Markham. I have a message from Mr. and Mrs. Edmonstone, to ask you to come to Hollywell at Whitsuntide. Grunt!