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Updated: August 27, 2024

"Yellow-hair," he said very quietly, "I've led you into a trap, I'm afraid. Look back. We've been followed!" She turned. Through the trees, against an inky sky veined with lightning, three men came out upon the further edge of the hog-back which they had traversed a few minutes before, and seated themselves there In the shelter of the crag. All three carried shotguns. "Yellow-hair?" "Yes, Kay."

The road to Spuz was unique. Now that Montenegro has entered into possession of the region, there is a carriage road, but the ancient one was a pavement of the days of Dushan which now ran along the top of a ridge like a hog-back in the middle of the road, on each side of which the track had been worn down by travel until the original road was as high as the backs of our horses above the actual track each side of it.

The man at the hog-back put his little gray over the ledges and boulders, down the sheet of rock, hop, slip, slide, and along the side hill in time to head off the first of the mustangs. During the ten days of riding I saw no horse fall. The animal I rode, Button by name, never even stumbled. In the Black Hills years ago I happened to be one of the inmates of a small mining-camp.

It was a curiously formed "hog-back" like a great windrow of snow piled up and frozen. Probably it was miles in length. Somewhere he and Bram had crossed it soon after passing the first cabin. He had not tried to tell Celie of this cabin. Time had been too precious.

When he came to King's Mountain, a wooded, hog-back hill on the border line between North and South Carolina, he camped on its top, deeming that there he was safe, for he supposed that before the backwoodsmen could come near enough to attack him help would reach him.

From time to time, as we neared Sabig, we were met by detachments, each with gansas and spears and our flag, and, besides, bubud in bamboo tubes; for, as must now be clear, the Ifugaos are a hospitable and courteous people, and we were made welcome wherever we went. At about three we reached Sabig, situated on a hog-back between the trail on the left and a deep valley on the right.

His neck stuck straight out, and so did his tail, but the latter went off in a point, and the former in a hideous knob. 'Here is Jack! cried the old man. 'He lets Jack ride him to the water. Here, Jack! Get thee upon the hog-back of Beelzebub, and mind the bristles do not flay thee, and let master Richard see what paces he hath.

In six or eight minutes we reached a group of huts it was a head man's kraal, that was situated about a hundred and twenty yards behind the fortified wall, and took possession of it unobserved. The enemy was too much engaged with the foe in front of him to notice us, and besides, the broken ground rose in a hog-back shape between.

Perhaps it was a roe deer; McKay flashed the direction in vain. "If it were a Boche?" she whispered. "No; it sounded like a four-legged beast. There are chamois and roe deer and big mountain hares along these heights." They went on until the hog-back of sheer rock loomed straight ahead, and beyond, against a paling sky, the clump of high pines toward which they were bound.

"It’s bad enough to be here," he said heavily; "so don’t let’s talk about it. Quit disputing." Flint ignored the order. "If there was anything sportin’ to do " "Oh, shut up," muttered Carfax. "Do you expect sport on a hog-back?" Gray picked up a tennis ball and began to play it against the whitewashed stone wall, using the palm of his hand.

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