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He took me along to see it, and introduced me to Madame, his mother. He has also got an aunt who can cook." "I should like to have seen you talking to the Zouave," said Emmy. "It would have made a pretty picture the two of you hobnobbing over a little marble table." "It was iron, painted yellow," said Septimus. "It wasn't a resplendent café." "I wonder what he thought of you."

When he wasn't hobnobbing with the aristocracy or writing treaties he was sitting in inns and drinking with teamsters ... had a long love affair with a cobbler's wife, and married the lady after the cobbler died....

Being without specific orders what to do with me, my two sergeant bailiffs thrust me into that little den of a strong-room below stairs where I had once found the master of the house, and one of them mounted guard whilst the other fetched the camp armorer to iron me. The shackles securely on, I was left to content me as I could, with the door ajar and my two jailers hobnobbing before it.

An Eliaute camp is but a short distance away, and several sun-painted children of the desert are eagerly interviewing the bicycle when my escort comes galloping along; not seeing me anywhere in view ahead, they had wondered what had become of their wheel-winged charge and are quite relieved at finding me here hobnobbing with the Eliautes behind the umbar.

It was as if she had no mind of her own, but must submit her will to the wishes of the man at her side. They paused at the entrance to the churchyard, where he asked: "And what have you been doing all this time?" She told him of her visit to the Trivetts. His face clouded as he said: "Fancy you hobnobbing with those common people!" "But I like them the Trivetts, I mean.

As for pictures by Tintoretto, showing Venetian Doges hobnobbing informally with members of the Holy Family, and Raphael's angels, and Michelangelo's lost souls, and Guidos, and Murillos, I have had enough to do me for months and months and months. Nor am I in the market for any of the dead fish of the Flemish school.

"Wait till Aunt Marcia has gone to sit on the front veranda, and we can put it there." The Dragon's Secret had probably known some strange resting-places in its time, but doubtless none stranger than the one in which it now found itself a dark, rather dusty top shelf in a pantry, hobnobbing with a few worn-out pots and pans and discarded kitchen-ware!

While there is more of truth in this response than most gentlemen are willing at first to admit, yet, observant people have ever noted the fact that, notwithstanding these fashionable and polite addresses at public assemblies between the beaux and butterflies, the end of the levee usually terminates the hobnobbing.

Lamb was in a happy frame, and I can still recall to my mind the look and tone with which he addressed Moore, when he could not articulate very distinctly: "Mister Moore, will you drink a glass of wine with me?" suiting the action to the word, and hobnobbing. ROBINSON'S DIARY, April 4, 1823. Now that, I maintain, is just the kind of stuff we need in a diary of today.

This was Anne Tresslyn's set, not Lutie's, and yet here she was, a trim little warrior, inside the walls of a fortified place, hobnobbing with the formidable army of occupation and staring holes through the uniforms of the General Staff! She sat in the Tresslyn camp, and there were no other Tresslyns there.