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These ruinous shielings, that hardly keep out wind or weather, are deplorable homes for young or aged people, and poor shelters for the hardworking men and women who cultivate the fields in which they stand.

I have the greatest regard for Varisidius Nepos; he is hardworking, upright, and a scholar a point which with me outweighs almost any other. He is a near relative and, in fact, a son of the sister of Caius Calvisius, my old companion and a friend too of yours. I beg that you will give him a tribuneship for six months and so advance him in dignity, both for his own and for his uncle's sake.

I am, as you know, a hardworking man with a responsible position and a family to support. But here in Paris I come on to the fringe of a circle of life with which I have no direct connection, and yet whose happenings sometimes touch upon the lives of my friends and intimates.

It was rather a trial to Hugh, perhaps, that Kate, being fat, had taken ardently to the bicycle and was therefore a joke among onlookers. But seeing the extreme enjoyment she got from her machine, and recognizing that a healthy, hardworking woman, without home or children, must break out somewhere, he had never tried to make her desist from her pleasure. And Kate had to bear with Hugh.

"So this," he said, "is where I am to spend a few years; my new father is a hardworking man, I believe, perhaps a little given to drink but kind enough; and I daresay some of these children are my brothers and sisters. A score of years or more to spend here, no doubt! Well, it might be worse.

Let us now pause to take stock of some of the results which have accrued from the operation and influence of Confucianism during such a long period, and over such swarming myriads of the human race. It is a commonplace in the present day to assert that the Chinese are hardworking, thrifty, and sober the last-mentioned, by the way, in a land where drunkenness is not regarded as a crime.

The new settlers were almost all soldiers of the Revolutionary armies; they were hardworking, orderly men of trained courage and of keen intellect. With such a foundation the State was little likely to plunge into the perilous abysses of anarchic license or of separatism and disunion.

Geoffroy to-morrow at two o'clock in my office and receive ten thousand francs from her in exchange for the precious paper? Moreover the longer the police stayed in this house and poked their noses about in affairs that concerned hardworking citizens like myself why the greater the risk would be of the matter of the stolen document coming to light. It was positively maddening.

"Raffles," called he, as he caught sight of that hardworking functionary through the dining-room window removing the debris of the banquet, "leave a few `goes' out on the table for any chaps who come late, and then go and tell Jill I'm ready, and turn down the gas in the drawing- room." In due time Raffles delivered his momentous message.

In time it might be possible to level up the minimum standard of all tenements in towns and urban districts at any rate to the possession of a properly equipped bathroom for example, without which, for hardworking people, regular cleanliness is a practical impossibility.