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Updated: August 7, 2024

Vice is vice on the Boulevard; and it is fine to hear the audience, as a tyrant king roars out cruel sentences of death, or a bereaved mother pleads for the life of her child, making their remarks on the circumstances of the scene. "Ah, le gredin!" growls an indignant countryman. "Quel monstre!" says a grisette, in a fury.

Then the caricature of The Curious Animals called them Maulant, Jean Mind, and Gredin." The barometer had began to rise; it was time! A distant muttering of thunder was heard towards the south. "See this other engraving," continued he, without seeming to suspect my manoeuvres. "It is an immense balloon, containing a ship, large castles, houses, &c.

"You remember poor le Roux, who kept the old baraque where the Council of Ten used to meet? Yonder he lies." "Don't talk of the Council of Ten. What fools and dupes we were made by that vieux gredin, Jean Lebeau! How I wish I could meet him again!" Gaspard le Noy smiled sarcastically. "So much the worse for you, if you did. A muscular and a ruthless fellow is that Jean Lebeau!"

"Gredin! cent mille tonnerres de Dieu!" "Calme-toi, mon fidele ami. What will you? It was fate. Montholon. "Le lache! Un Francais meurt, mais il ne recule jamais." Napoleon. "Stupide! Don't you see why the retreat was ordered? don't you know that it was a feint on the part of Gahagan to draw Holkar from his impregnable entrenchments?

At the little Paris theatres, on the other hand, you will not only hear the people yelling out "Ah gredin! Ah monstre:" and cursing the tyrant of the play from the boxes; but the actors themselves positively refuse to play the wicked parts, such as those of infames Anglais, brutal Cossacks, and what not, and prefer to appear at a smaller salary, in their real characters as loyal Frenchmen.

"Yes," resumed Charles, ladling out the punch, "thou hast wit enough to perceive that our generals are imbeciles or traitors; that gredin Bonaparte has sold the army for ten millions of francs to Bismarck, and I have no doubt that Wimpffen has his share of the bargain. McMahon was wounded conveniently, and has his own terms for it. The regular army is nowhere.

M. Roussillon knew Maisonville as a somewhat desperate character, a leader of Indian forays and a trader in human scalps. Surely the fellow was legitimate prey. "Ziff! diable de gredin!" he snarled, and leaping upon him choked him to the ground, "Je vais vous scalper immediatement!" Clark's plan of approach showed masterly strategy.

Vulgar prejudice against the great it may be; but prejudice against the great is only a rude expression of sympathy with the poor; long, therefore, may fat epiciers blubber over mimic woes, and honest proletaires shake their fists, shouting "Gredin, scelerat, monstre de marquis!" and such republican cries.

"Yes," resumed Charles, ladling out the punch, "thou hast wit enough to perceive that our generals are imbeciles or traitors; that gredin Bonaparte has sold the army for ten millions of francs to Bismarck, and I have no doubt that Wimpffen has his share of the bargain. McMahon was wounded conveniently, and has his own terms for it. The regular army is nowhere.

"Gredin! cent mille tonnerres de Dieu!" "Calme-toi, mon fidele ami. What will you? It was fate. Montholon. "Le lache! Un Francais meurt, mais il ne recule jamais." Napoleon. "STUPIDE! Don't you see WHY the retreat was ordered? don't you know that it was a feint on the part of Gahagan to draw Holkar from his impregnable intrenchments?

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