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But before leaving he gave to Westerfeltner explicit instructions for the delivery of the dispatch when he had succeeded in getting his hands on it to a third party, a special go-between, with whom Westerfeltner was to communicate by telephone. "Late the next day Westerfeltner did succeed in getting his hands on the document.

"As you suspected, it was for the purpose of capturing me, too," said Mr. Temple. "And Rollins had let the bandits know when I would arrive. Remedios was his go-between." "Well," said Jack, "there's only one thing more." "What is that?" asked Frank. "Why, I'd like to know whom Rollins radioed to last night." "I found that out, too," said Mr. Temple.

The Queen was frequently implored by Leicester, without much effect, to send the ex-elector a few hundred pounds to keep him from starving, as "he had not one groat to live upon," and, a little later, he was employed as a go-between, and almost a spy, by the Earl, in his quarrels with the patrician party rapidly forming against him in the States.

Besides this go-between pick-basket, there was at that end of the row nearest the ginhouse an immense basket, nearly as tall as a barrel, and of greater circumference, with a capacity for three hundred pounds. Alston's pick-basket stood beside Little Lizay's, and between his row and hers.

This "long and blessed interval" endured, as we shall see, for some eleven or twelve years. His own account of his seduction from the paths of poetry by the wiles of philosophy is that physiology acted as the go-between.

If they could make up their minds to submit to Philip and the Inquisition again, Philip and the Holy office were but too ready to receive the erring penitents to their embrace without a go-between. It was war, not peace, therefore, that Holland meant by the English alliance. It was war, not peace, that Philip intended.

It does not seem as if this person, whoever he was, was one of themselves, nor even an Englishman; neither is he exactly spoken of as one of the enemy. It sounds rather as if he were some local go-between and non-combatant; perhaps a guide or a journalist. He has been closeted with old Colonel Clancy; but is more often seen talking to the major.

The duties of the "middleman" or "go-between" are to receive from the forger or his confidential agent the altered or forged paper.

This would be worse news for her than what I told her once before; strange how fate makes me the go-between between them! He made up his mind that it was better to wait a little. His eyes fell on the table covered with heaps of papers... 'Will he carry out his dreams? thought Bersenyev.

Though personally the King rather disliked him, he had become an absolutely indispensable adjunct to the daily life so smooth in its workings, yet so easily dislocated of the Royal Household; also, as a go-between for ministers whose intercourse with the Crown was purely formal, he had proved himself a very efficient implement when on occasion it became necessary to circumvent or reduce to reason the King's characteristic obstinacy in small matters of detail.