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This was the more creditable to the maid, inasmuch as the dresses sea-green glacés were rather dashed; and the worse they looked, the likelier they would be to become her property. Half-dashed dresses, however, that would look rather seedy by contrast, come out very fresh in the country, especially in winter, when day begins to close in at four.

With that exception, however, he was in full court costume and stumped his way about the Galérie des Glaces with his accustomed savoir faire, attracting almost as much attention and interest as Mr. Jefferson.

"I was never so happy in my life," laughed Beatrice. "And to think that you have really captured mamma in spite of herself! Oh, mamma, you will enjoy it so much! I promise you shall. There is iced champagne, and the foot warmer and the marrons glacés and the lamp and everything you like and quails stuffed with truffles, besides. Now do be happy and let us enjoy ourselves!"

Ainsworth; she talks such good nonsense. She told us gravely, the other day, that the Druses were much more interesting than the Maronites, because they sounded like Drusus and Rome, whereas the Maronites were only like marrons glaces, etc. The H s are at Norris Green. Mrs. H. is becoming "devout," and will go to church on Wednesdays and Fridays. I want news from your side.

At all events, I argued, she might forget the engagement, or believe that I had forgotten it. So I went, taking with me a magnificent bouquet, and an embroidered satin bag full of marrons glacés. My divinity lived, as she had told me, sous les toits and sous les toits, up seven flights of very steep and dirty stairs, I found her.

A lobster next made its appearance, then an Arles sausage, marrons glaces and cherries, the first of the season!

When the Venosta re-entered, she was followed by the servants, bringing in a daintier meal than they had known for days a genuine rabbit, potatoes, marrons glaces, a bottle of wine, and a pannier of wood. The fire was soon lighted, the Venosta plying the bellows.

In 'King Arthur' occurs the famous 'Frost Scene, the close resemblance of which to the 'Choeur de Peuples des Climats Glacés' in Lulli's 'Isis' would alone make it certain that Purcell was a careful student of the French school of opera.

It was in the recollection of those transactions that he said: "A box of marrons glaces, please. My wife prefers that." "Shall I send it?" asked the girl, when she had done it up. "No, thanks; we are not in town." "Of course," she said, beaming upon him; "nobody is yet." And this girl also seemed a part of the old life, with her little affectation of familiarity with its ways.

Then, and not till then, in spite of the Crown Prince's ardour, was the Imperial project brought forward, discussed, and finally carried through by Bismarck's tact and diplomacy. On the 18th January 1871, the anniversary of the coronation of the first king of his house, Wilhelm was proclaimed German Emperor in the Galerie des Glaces of the Chateau of Versailles.