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"Avecques luy fist venir sa partie Qui de Ferrare fille du duc estait; De fin drap d'or en tout ou en partie De jour en jour volontiers se vestait Chaines, colliers, affiquetz, pierrerie, Ainsi qu'on dit en ung commun proverbe, Tant en avait que c'etait diablerie. Brief mieulx valait le lyen que le gerbe.

I simply adored lying and looking at them. Every single person I knew seemed to have remembered me, and boxes of chocolates filled my shelf as well. The Parc d'Automobiles Belges sent such a huge gerbe that two men had to carry it, and, emblazoned on a broad ribbon of the Belgian colours, spanning the whole thing, was my name and an inscription in letters of gold!

Every day I disseminated stories and caricatures, which represented the French as dwarfs in rags, poorly armed, not heavier than a gerbe which one could lift with a pitchfork." But you are welcome! For Christmas or carnival you are invited. The girls await you with knots in their handkerchiefs, your head will swell.

Geographical distribution, as evidence of specific distinctions in man. Geometrae, brightly coloured beneath. Geophagus, frontal protuberance of, male; eggs hatched by the male, in the mouth or branchial cavity. Georgia, change of colour in Germans settled in. Geotrupes, stridulation of. Gerbe, M., on the nest-building of Crenilabus massa and C. Melops.

Some slight variations of plumage take place in the Black Redstart at different ages and seasons, which have led to some little difficulties, and to another supposed species, Ruticilla cairii of Gerbe being suggested, but apparently quite without reason. I have never seen the Black Redstart in the Islands at any time of year except the autumn, and do not know of its occurrence at any other time.

The flowers are double white and with the pleasant, but not heavy, scent of P. microphyllus. P. Lemoinei Gerbe de Neige bears pleasantly-scented flowers that are as large as those of the well-known P. speciosissimus. There is an erect form of P. Lemoinei named erectus that is also worthy of note.

French, "Fauvette grise," "Bec-fin Grisette." The Whitethroat has hitherto perhaps been better known by the name used in the former edition of 'Yarrell' and by Messrs. Degland and Gerbe, Curruca cinerea, but in consequence of the inexorable rule of the British Association the name "rufa," given by Boddaert in 1783, has now been accepted for this bird.

John's church, when all of a sudden I noticed on the horizon a gerbe of resplendent flames. I cried out and dropped my lantern. Mother abbess came to me to learn what had caused my fright, and when she also had seen the meteor she contemplated a long time. I asked, Matouchka, what star is this? She answered this is no star, this is a comet. I asked again what is a comet?

Certain fishes, belonging to several families, make nests, and some of them take care of their young when hatched. Both sexes of the bright coloured Crenilabrus massa and melops work together in building their nests with sea-weed, shells, etc. According to the observations of M. Gerbe; see Gunther's 'Record of Zoolog.