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Courtship, greater eagerness of males in; of fishes; of birds. Cow, winter change of colour. Crab, devil. Crab, shore, habits of. Crabro cribrarius, dilated tibiae of the male. Crabs, proportions of the sexes in. Cranz, on the inheritance of dexterity in seal-catching. Crawfurd, on the number of species of man. Crenilabrus massa and C. melops, nests, built by. Crest, origin of, in Polish fowls.

Certain fishes, belonging to several families, make nests, and some of them take care of their young when hatched. Both sexes of the bright coloured Crenilabrus massa and melops work together in building their nests with sea-weed, shells, etc. According to the observations of M. Gerbe; see Gunther's 'Record of Zoolog.

LABRUS? Native name, POKONG. "Brown rock-fish" of the sealers. "Rays, D. 9-12; A. 3-10," etc. Flesh soft and poor. Inhabitants rocky shores; very common. Caught by hook, 12th March, 1841. No. 18. CRENILABRUS? Native name, KNELMICH, MINAME, or MINAMEN. Common "rock-fish" or "Parrot" of the sealers. "Rays, D. 8-11; A. 2-10," etc. Poor and soft.

No. 30. COSSYPHUS? CRENILABRUS? Native name MOOLET or CHETON. "Red rock-fish" of the settlers. "Rays, D. 11-10; A. 3-11; P. 15." etc. Teeth very strong; tail rounded; its rays oblong. Inhabits rocky shores. Bites eagerly, and is a gross feeder. Indifferent eating. Caught by hook, 6th April, 1841. No. 35. ? Genus not ascertained.

In Attica, too, was early developed a characteristic and closely accurate type of representation of marine forms, and this attained a wider vogue in Southern Italy in the fourth century. Paintings of fish on plates. Italo-Greek work of the fourth century B. C. From Morin. A. Sargus vulgaris. B. Crenilabrus mediterraneus.