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Gaudissart marched off, turning over in his mind this prophetic remark, which seemed to him full of sinister portent. For the first time in his life the prince of travellers did not dine jovially. The whole town of Vouvray was put in a ferment about the "affair" between Monsieur Vernier and the apostle of Saint-Simonism.

Every one is for you in this business, even Gaudissart, the manager of the theatre. I went to look him up yesterday, and he undertook to crush the workman who seemed likely to give us trouble." "Oh, I know M. Gaudissart is devoted to the Popinots." Fraisier went out. Unluckily, he missed Gaudissart, and the fatal summons was served forthwith.

"I come, Monsieur," resumed Gaudissart, "to solicit the aid of your knowledge and insight to guide my efforts in this district, where Mitouflet tells me you have the greatest influence. Monsieur, I am sent into the provinces on an enterprise of the utmost importance, undertaken by bankers who "

I owe my life to his uncle the judge, and my success in life to him; and I should wish to be bound to both you and your daughter by the high esteem which links us with persons of rank and influence. I wish to leave the theatre and become a serious person." "As you are already, monsieur!" said the Presidente. "Adorable!" returned Gaudissart, kissing the lady's shriveled fingers.

"My wine is capital; you are capital, capitalist, intellectual capital, capital wine, all the same etymology, don't you see? hein? Capital, 'caput, head, Head of Vouvray, that's my wine, it's all one thing." "So that you have realized your intellectual capital through your wines? Ah, I see!" said Gaudissart. "I have realized," said the lunatic.

The "Scenes de la Vie de Province," to which belong among others "Eugenie Grandet" , "Le Lys dans la Vallee" , "L'Illustre Gaudissart" , "Pierrette" , and "Le Cure de Tours" , typify a period of combat; while "Scenes de la Vie Parisienne," which contain "La Duchesse de Langeais" , "Cesar Birotteau" , "La Cousine Bette" , "Le Cousin Pons" , "Facino Cane" , "La Maison de Nucingen" , and several less-known novels, show the effect of Parisian life in forming or modifying character.

"In that case the cachucha and the polka were after your time; and madame has passed her fiftieth year," remarked Heloise, and striking an attitude, she declaimed, "'Cinna, let us be friends." "Come, Heloise, the lady is not up to this; let her alone." "Madame is perhaps the New Heloise," suggested La Cibot, with sly innocence. "Not bad, old lady!" cried Gaudissart.

Would you like to get your hand in? I have some foils." "Yes, gladly." Mitouflet returned with foils and masks. "Now, then, let us see what you can do." The pair put themselves on guard. Mitouflet, with his former prowess as grenadier of the guard, made sixty-two passes at Gaudissart, pushed him about right and left, and finally pinned him up against the wall.

At four o'clock that afternoon several people were gathered together at Berthier's office; Fraisier, arch-concocter of the whole scheme, Tabareau, appearing on behalf of Schmucke, and Schmucke himself. Gaudissart had come with him.

"Who is your gentleman, child?" "M. Baudoyer, the mayor of your arrondissement, a man as stupid as the late Crevel; Crevel once financed Gaudissart, you know, and a few days ago he died and left me nothing, not so much as a pot of pomatum. That made me say just now that this age of ours is something sickening." "What did he die of?" "Of his wife. If he had stayed with me, he would be living now.