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I was on the green with my second shot, and holed out in three. 'My game, I shouted because Hart had foozled his drive and wasn't on the green. 'Not at all, he said. 'You shouldn't be in such a hurry. I may hole out in one, he laughed. 'If you do, I said, 'you ought to get Lord Evesham to give me that land. 'That's a bargain, he said, and he took his mashie. Will you believe it?

If we have told our friends that we do eighteen holes of golf in 95, we tell them after doing the course in 110, that we are not ourselves to-day. That is to say, we are not acquainted with the duffer who foozled fifteen strokes.

"I've found he intends to abandon the ship and leave me to go down with it," he persisted. "He believes he can escape and denounce me as the arch rascal who planned the combine, and can convince people that I foozled him into it." Ingenious; but I happened to know that it was false. "Pardon me, Mr. Langdon," said I with stiff courtesy. "I repeat, I can do nothing for you. Good morning."

You would be intensely annoyed with him if he did these things when you were driving. If he lost the match through a foozled drive, he would be justified in saying that you did not play the game. In playing through the green, avoid as far as possible getting in your opponent's line of sight when he is making his stroke.

It detracts from the pleasure of a game more than you may imagine if your ball is always dirty and cannot be seen from a distance. Besides, the eye is less strained when a clean white ball is played with, and there is less likelihood of foozled strokes. Moreover, your dirty ball is a constant irritation to your opponent.

'In our former war, he says, 'we had th' misfortune to have men in command that didn't know th' diff'rence between a goluf stick an' a beecycle; an' what was th' raysult? We foozled our approach at Bull R-run, he says. 'Ar-re ye a mimber iv anny clubs? he says. 'Four, says Willie. 'Thin I make ye a major, he says. 'Where d'ye get ye'er pants? he says. 'Fr'm England, says Willie.

Jupiter foozled his approach, and we both reached the edge of the green in four. "Bully distance for a putt," said Jupiter, taking the line from his ball to the hole. "About how far is it?" I asked, for I couldn't see anything resembling a hole within a mile of me. "Oh, five miles, I imagine," was the answer. "Put on these glasses and you'll see the disk."

On the green we shall need to be very careful, as a stroke wasted or poorly played counts just as much against our score if the ball goes only a few feet as if we sliced or "foozled" our drive. In scoring for golf there are two methods: Either the score of each hole is taken and the winner of a majority of holes wins the match, or the total score in counted as in "medal" or "tournament play."

The room was crowded to hear the "celebrated air-man" relate his experiences at the front. The exercises were delayed for nearly an hour while Mr. Hatch, the photographer, prepared and foozled three attempts to get a flashlight picture of the gathering. Everybody was coughing violently when A. Lincoln Pollock arose to introduce the speaker of the evening. In conclusion he said: "Mr.

It is such a pity that the good, the laudable, things in life generally are. I always advise girls to marry men of their own temperament. Henry and I were of the same temperament. For one thing, we were equally incompetent at golf. Perhaps I foozled my drive rather worse than Henry, but then he never took fewer than five strokes on the green, whereas I have occasionally done it in four.