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Updated: August 9, 2024

One of the mustard pots was there, a squat fifty-foot carrier painted a gaudy yellow the Folly Bay house color flying a yellow flag with a black C in the center. She was loading fish from two trollers, one lying on each side. One or two more were waiting, edging up. "He came in yesterday afternoon after you left," Vin Ferrara told Jack. "And he offered forty-five cents. Some of them took it.

He moved like a sleep-walker. He descended the fifty-foot cliff by the crevices and the single protruding rock-point that had helped him get up. It was much easier going down. In his state of mind it was also more dangerous. He moved in a sort of robot-like composure. He moved toward the girl, trying to make words come out of his throat, when a small rock came clattering down the cliff.

It is better to think of them as a setting, focusing about the greatest water-lily in the world, or, as we have seen, the strangest mammal; or as an exhibit of roots roots as varied and as exquisite as a hall of famous sculpture; or as a wilderness of tapestry foliage, in texture from cobweb to burlap; or as a heaven-roofed, sun-furnaced greenhouse of blossoms, from the tiniest of dull-green orchids to the fifty-foot spike of taliput bloom.

That's all there is to it." And yet, when Captain Darius Nickerson, who made the most of his money selling fifty-foot lots of sand, beachgrass and ticks to summer people for bungalow sites when Captain Darius, grown purse-proud and vainglorious, expressed a desire for a henhouse with a mansard roof and a cupola, the latter embellishments to match those surmounting his own dwelling, Simeon was set aback with his canvas flapping.

Halfway out she passed a slip beside which lay moored a heavily built, fifty-foot boat, scarred with usage, a squat and powerful craft. Lakeward stretched a smooth, unrippled surface. Overhead patches of white cloud drifted lazily. Where the shadows from these lay, the lake spread gray and lifeless. Where the afternoon sun rested, it touched the water with gleams of gold and pale, delicate green.

"The dragon worm!" Rador said. "It was Helvede Orm the hell worm!" groaned Olaf. "There you go again " blazed Larry; but the green dwarf was hurrying down the path and swiftly we followed, Larry muttering, Olaf mumbling, behind me. The green dwarf was signalling us for caution. He pointed through a break in a grove of fifty-foot cedar mosses we were skirting the glassy road!

He stared dully downstream to where a fifty-foot cliff extended across from side to side of the cañon like a dam. "Part of the wall slid in," he stated with the simplicity of one who is nearing exhaustion. "That shall be our bridge to the ladder," shouted Blake. "It's all sheer cliff along here at the foot of the break, but the ledges run down sideways to the top of the cross cliff.

Exploring, he came to the board barrier again, climbed over it, and more critically than before scanned the fifty-foot descent, and what lay at the bottom. "Why!" said Bart, in some astonishment, "there's a railroad track " He leaned over, and scrutinizingly ran his eye along the dull brown stretch of raised rails. "And a hand car!" shouted the young express agent joyfully.

True, the ghost had led them to the side that dropped sheer into the water, but impact with the water after a fifty-foot drop was enough to cause damage if one landed in the wrong position. Rick had hit feet first, simply by chance. Scotty looked at him as the car turned toward the picnic grounds. "Aren't we going to town?" "Sure. But I want another look at the landscape."

It was difficult to find the material for a fifty-foot ladder that would reach the first ledge of the cliff; and it required an endless effort and care to join the different sections. At last, a little after nine o'clock, it was set up in the middle of the river and held in position by a boat, the bows of which were wedged between two of the rungs, while the stern was rammed into the bank.

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